The Results Of The Index Survey Show That Only PDIP Alami Has Increased Electability Since The 2019 Election, Other Parties Have Decreased

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Indexate Survey Institute released a poll on vice presidential and political party candidates for the 2024 election. As a result, PDIP occupies the highest electability. PDIP has also experienced an increase in electability since the 2019 election until now.Deputy Executive Director of the Index, Rikola Fedri, explained that PDIP received 23 percent support. Its electability increased from 19 percent in the 2019 election."Today's map of the electoral constellation shows that if the general election is held now, PDIP will get the most votes, 23.2 percent. This figure is up from the 2019 election," said Rikola in a survey presentation in the Central Jakarta area, Sunday, November 6.Rikola explained that parties other than PDIP experienced a decrease in electability, ranging from narrow to large enough difference.After PDIP, the next highest electability was Gerindra at 12.5 percent, slightly decreased from the 2019 election by 12.6 percent. Then, Golkar with 9.9 electability which decreased from 12.3 percent, PKB with 9 percent electability which decreased from 9.7 percent.Furthermore, the electability of the Democratic Party with 7.5 percent decreased from 7.8 percent, PKS by 7.1 percent which decreased from 8.2 percent, NasDem by 3.2 percent which decreased from 9 percent, PPP by 3 percent which decreased from 4.5 percent, and several other parties with the acquisition below 2 percent."As for parties that in 2019 did not qualify for parliament, it tends to still have an electoral trend of below 2.0 percent today," said Rikola.On that occasion, Rikola said that voters who were already steady against their choice were 69.8 percent, this figure was quite high in the situation one year before the election."If there is no change in the structured and massive campaign strategy of each party, then it is very likely that in the next 1 year or October 2023 there will be no significant change in the electability of each party – each party," he explained.This survey was conducted on October 10-19 2022. A total of 1,200 respondents were randomly selected using the multistage random sampling method with a margin of error ± 2.8 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. Interviews were conducted face-to-face with interviewers who had been trained.