Hold On To The G20 Presidency, Indonesia Mengambil Peranan Dalam Peraturan Global

BALI - Jean Couteau, an anthropologist from France, said that Indonesia as the holder of the G20 presidency is in an ideal position to play a role in the global level.

"Indonesia is in an ideal position to play its role in the global level," Couteau said in Bali, in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 6.

As the host, said Couteau, Indonesia can provide more benefits and points because it has the right to determine the theme and agenda of the conference.

"In tantamount to that, Indonesia also needs to highlight the excess values it has, especially the values contained in the basis of the Pancasila state," he said.

He mentioned several indicators owned by Indonesia that it is appropriate to take the lead, including significant economic growth, harmonious interfaith relations, to the absence of political violence compared to other countries.

These things can be offered as a model of co-existence in a global level, in Indonesia the practice of highlighting the value of togetherness rather than differences. Everything is contained in Pancasila, a formula that is cross-border," he said.

The man who is also a lecturer at the Denpasar Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) considered that Indonesia was successful in preventing and dealing with violence related to identity, especially religion and ethnicity.

This, he said, made Indonesia escape religious crystallization and narrow nationalism which became the root of conflict in various countries.

Political and identity values in Indonesia can be considered moderate. How to manage Indonesian complexity is quite good and successful," he also said.

Furthermore, he encouraged the Indonesian government to be more courageous in showing identity and playing a role at the global level so that the world could take good values from Indonesia.

Moreover, he continued, Indonesia is the third largest democracy with a large population and has ethnic diversity.

"Indonesia should be a role model in the world," said the man who has been living for decades and has written many books about Bali.

The Presidential Special Staff Coordinator (SKP) Ari Dwipayana added that in the global constellation what is needed is the role of world leaders to suppress common egos to overcome the world's recession.

"The G20 presidency puts Indonesia at the forefront to solve it," he said.

However, Ari said, this presidency position was colored and covered by the world's unfavorable situation, including a global situation that fluctuated post-pandemic, geopolitical disruption, economic recession, even including the war between Russia and Ukraine.

"It takes a dynamic response to all those problems," he said.

The man whose full name is Anak Agung Gde Ngurah Ari Dwipayana also hopes that the implementation of the G20 Summit in Bali with a strong spiritual feel can produce something useful for the world community.

"With the spiritual power of Bali; shanti (peace), taksu (spirit), and keep (Welfare), it is hoped that the heads of state can get a positive aura and spread peace," he said.

Therefore, Ari invites the entire community, especially the Balinese people, to support and succeed in organizing the G20 Summit on November 15-16.

"Because the G20 is the strongest economic country in the world and has the influence of overcoming all world problems," said Ari.