Getting To Know 7 Scuba Diving Devices And Their Functions

YOGYAKARTA Scuba diving is a diving activity assisted by underwater breathing devices (Self-Contained Under Breathing Apparatus/Scuba). By diving in the swab, you can explore marine wealth or underwater nature in the waters of the archipelago. Well, for those who want to do diving activities, first know all kinds of diving diving tools.

Please note, diving equipment is a diving component that you should know because it is directly related to safety.

The tools used forUS diving must be complete. You should not be left behind by a single tool because it can endanger yourself.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Sunday 6 November 2022, here are the dive diving tools that you should know when you want to explore Indonesia's marine wealth of Indonesian waters:

The first diving tool you should know is a wetsuit or drysuit. This tool is a clothing that is commonly used to dive under the sea.

Wetsuits are used when diving at warm water locations. In contrast, drysuits are used to dive at cold water locations.

The main function of wetsuits and drysuits is to inhibit the release of body heat while in the water and protect the body from harmful marine biota stings when in direct contact with human skin.

When diving under the sea, you must also use a diving mask. This diving diving tool serves to protect the eyes from the water so that you can clearly see and enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

Regulator diving is a breathing apparatus while diving. This equipment includes important components in diving activities, because it can make divers last a long time underwater.

The function of the diving regulator is to channel the air into the mouths of the divers.

The nextUNCH diving tool is the Buoyancy Compensation Device (BCD) or floating control device. BCD is a jacket that can be filled and aired.

The Buoyancy Compensation Device functions to control the buoyancy of the divers. When diving, the diver's buoyancy can be regulated through this tool by adding or reducing the air in BCD air bags.

Weight Belt is a smart diving device in the form of a belt and functions as a weighter.

As is known, the sea water type mass is greater than the mass of the human type. Therefore, a weighting device is needed so that divers can explore the underwater realm easily.

A diver also needs frog leg aka fins, when he wants to see marine wealth.

This advantagey diving tool serves to accelerate the movement of divers when swimming in water. The larger the size of the fins, the faster the movement that can be produced.

Aqualung is a tube-shaped device made of steel or high-pressure aluminum to accommodate oxygen used to assist breathing while diving.

This tool must be used when you want to dive for a long enough duration, because the Aqualung device can help you to breathe in the water.

Those are theUS diving tools that you should know before diving. Hopefully useful!