Types And Award Certificates Of International Various Features

YOGYAKARTA - Scuba diving certification level was born to maximize safety during this exercise. Each diver has a certification card, which proves his qualifications. It's important to book diving trips, select equipment, choose air types and even to look for work as a professional diver. Let's discuss the types and certificates of diving courses.

Depending on the level of yourUS diving certification, anyone will know that you have the experience, knowledge, and skills required by various training institutions. Some of the most known and recognized internationally are CMAS, SSI, NAUI, and, of course, the world's largest diving training organization, the Professional Professionals Association. Reading this article, you will know the level of your smart diving certification.

Type of diving certification

When we talk about diving certification, we can find four main levels:

International Kusus Certificate

PADI Scuba Diver Or Junior PADI Scuba Diver To Start

PADI Scuba Diver is a diving diving certification level aimed at those who don't have much time. The knowledge you will gain will allow you to dive to a maximum depth of 12m/40 feet.

But yes, you must always be accompanied by professional divers. You can't dive alone just with other certified divers as your diving friends at this level. You need professional guidance.

Open Water Diver (OWS) Or Junior Open Water Diver: Scuba Diving Certification Level that Gives You Autonomy

The main goal of this course is to learn to manage yourself and your underwater diving equipment. When you finish this course, you will be an independent certified diver, which means you can choose your diving partner freely and go diving yourself.

You no longer need the presence of a professional diver. From now on you will be able to dive with other certified divers. However, keep in mind that there are depth limits at this level: 18m / 59ft for adults and 12m / 40ft for juniors.

Scuba Diver's Masters are the Highest Scuba Diving Recreational Certification Level

PADI has developed a wide selection of training for those interested in increasing theirappropriation knowledge. Special courses for deep diving, night, or shipwrecks are some of them, but many more.

If apart from being a 'Samaver', you have these 5 specialties, you can certify yourself as a 'Mr Scuba Diver'

Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWS) Is the Third Scuba Diving Fleet Certification Level

This recreational divingUS certification rate will allow you to improve your experience as a diver and expand your knowledge in this area. The biggest difference with the previous level was being AOWS you can dive deeper. Your new depth limit is 30 meters or 100 feet.

You can get certification as a free advanced diver with Dressel Dividers. Click the link and ask us how?

There is a Scuba Diving Certification Level for Rescue Divers

The Safer course focuses its content on developing your rescue skills. When you complete this course, you will be a much safer diver who is able to prevent problems and deal with emergencies in unlikely cases.

So after knowing the types and certificates of diving courses, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!