Romantic, Thariq Halilintar Uploads To Be Proud Of Fuji's Achievement On His Birthday

JAKARTA - Fujianti Utami Putri or Fuji, lover of Tariq Halilintar, celebrates her 20th birthday on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Coinciding with Fuji's birthday, Tariq uploaded two photos on his Instagram account.

The first photo shows Tariq with Fuji holding a bouquet of roses. Then the second photo shows Tariq with Fuji and his family.

Happy birthday Fujianti Utami putri 20, many extraordinary maturitys, many you face, many you cry for but here you are.. get through everything with the sweetest smile, here we are all proud of you for all your strengths and achievements, maybe I didn't have the chance to know the late da Febi and ka vanes but I'm sure they smile proud to see you see your hard work here.. both send alipatihah to them let's... happy birthday love you," wrote the caption in the upload.

The moment behind the photo occurred when Tariq Halilintar surprised Fuji on his birthday. Not only attended by the family, the moment was also attended by friends and closest people from Tariq and Fuji.

At that moment, Fuji's father also did not forget to express his gratitude. "I am very grateful to all of my friends, especially to Tariq who has held a surprise event for my son Fuji," said his father.

The father hopes that his youngest daughter will be more enthusiastic about improving her career. "Hopefully this event will become a motivation for Fuji to be even more enthusiastic about growing, improving his careers," he continued.