List Of Drinks Containing Caffein And Benefits For Health

YOGYAKARTA - The caffeine content is synonymous with coffee drinks. Whenever you hear the name caffeine, people will generally remember coffee. But it turns out that there are several other drinks that have caffeine creators, apart from coffee.

Caffeine in drinks is a natural substance found in plants, such as coffee, tea, and cocoa. Cffeine is crystalline in shape and has a bitter taste. Caffeine can be absorbed quickly by the intestines and works to stimulate the brain and nervous system.

Therefore, drinking coffee is considered a way to prevent drowsiness or to feel at home in literate. The effect of caffeine begins to be felt within an hour after consuming it. In addition, consuming caffeinated drinks can also increase focus and vigilance.

Not many know that caffeine is also found in other drinks, apart from coffee. Some of these drinks can be an alternative for those of you who are bored with coffee.

Green tea is one of the drinks that contains caffeine. This drink is popular in Asia, especially Japan. Green tea is usually used as an intake in the diet program because it can increase body fat burning metabolism.

In addition to containing caffeine, in green tea there is also a theanine that functions to reduce stress levels. The combination of aneine and caffeine in green tea can increase brain and cognition work.

Still from a family of tea, namely black tea. This type of tea also contains caffeine. The caffeine content is almost twice as high as green tea. Black tea is consumed to get rid of drowsiness and increase focus on work. In addition, regular consumption of this tea is also beneficial for the health of the heart, intestines, and body as a whole.

Chocolate drink is a type of drink that is being loved a lot, especially by easy children or teenagers. Chocolate is widely processed into contemporary drinks with various additional flavors. Chocolate drinks also contain natural caffeine.

When consuming chocolate milk, it also contains caffeine. In addition, chocolate also has flavonol and methylxanthines that are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Drinks contain other caffeine are energy drinks. The caffeine content in this drink ranges fromung5 mg. Consuming this drink can increase energy, focus, and mood. In addition, this drink also contains taurin, a natural amino acid that is antioxidant.

Another drink that is caffeine is kala soda. In sodan 240 mL is caffeine about 22 mg. The caffeine effect of this drink can make the body more excited. However, this drink has a high sugar content so it is necessary to pay attention to consumption levels.

There are several benefits of caffeine for health and body performance. Here are some of the benefits.

Caffeine is proven to be able to prevent heart disease. A study shows that men and women who consume 1-4 cups of coffee every day have a lower risk of heart disease 16-18 than those who do not consume.

Another study says consuming 2-4 cups of green tea per day relates to a reduced risk of stroke of 14-20 percent. In addition, people who drink coffee also have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

A study shows that consuming caffeine is also useful for preventing dementia. Caffeine can relieve the condition of people with mild cognitive disorders. Resilients recommend consuming 3 cups of coffee a day to prevent decreased memory and thinking skills.

The caffeine effect is known to keep the brain working and drive away drowsiness. The cafes consumed will block the adenosine of brain signaling molecules. This condition will increase hormones or other molecules, such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

Caffeine is also shown to be able to improve mood. A person who consumes caffeine will experience a loss of focus, vigilance, and long-term memory. In addition, drinking caffeine also plays a role in reducing 45 percent of the desire to commit suicide. Extortion has shown caffeine connoisseurs also have a better mood and low depression rate.

Caffeine also plays a role in increasing tubh metabolism to reach 11 percent, in addition, caffeine also stimulates the central nervous system so that it can help burn fat as much as 13 percent. People who consume 300 mg of caffeine per day will likely receive the burning of 79 extra calories.

That's a list of drinks that contain caffeine and benefit from consuming caffeine. Caffeine has many health benefits. But it should be noted not to drink caffeine excessively because it will have a bad effect on health.

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