In Order To Strengthen The Prosecutor's Indictment, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak Brings New Evidence For South Jakarta District Court Judges

The attorney for Brigadier J's family, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, brought new evidence when testifying for the defendants Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi.

"(First) I also got the t-shirt. This is a portrait from behind. Behind this t-shirt there is still blood. Even though it has been washed here there is still a shadow of blood," said Kamaruddin in the main courtroom of the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, November 1.

In addition, Kamaruddin also showed a white shirt. He said the shirt was a gift from Putri Candrwathi who was amazed by the figure of Brigadier J.

"This shirt was photographed at that time Putri praised the deceased, who at that time was called a multitalented man (photo passport again ironing) Pas lebaran 2022 PC bought a Ala'arhum shirt for Rp. 1 million," he continued.

To strengthen the evidence, even Kamaruddin also showed screenshots containing evidence of a conversation between Brigadier J and Putri Candrawati.

This is also a conversation about Whatsapp. There are also threats experienced by the deceased on June 19, June 21, and July 7. So for about a month he was threatened with being eliminated from the old squads," he concluded.

Later what we know, the'squad' in question is Strong Maruf.