Speaking Of South Korean Military Exercise And The United States Stopped, North Korea Remembersbulged Consequences

JAKARTA - North Korea has demanded that the United States and South Korea stop large-scale military exercises, calling them a provocation that could draw "stronger follow-up actions" from Pyongyang, when training began yesterday.

"The situation on the Korean Peninsula and its surroundings has entered a serious confrontation phase for power again, as the US and South Korean military movements are relentless and reckless," North Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement broadcast by state officials.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said North Korea was "ready to take all necessary measures to defend its sovereignty, people's security and territorial integrity from external military threats."

"If the US continues to carry out serious military provocations, the DPRK will consider stronger follow-up measures," he said, using North Korea's official name.

"If the US does not want serious developments that are not in accordance with its security interests, the US must immediately stop useless and ineffective war games. Otherwise, it must be fully responsible for all its consequences," the ministry stressed.

The United States and South Korea began one of their biggest joint military air exercises on Monday, with hundreds of warplanes from both sides carrying out artificial attacks 24 hours a day for more than a week.

The exercise operation codenamed 'Vigilant Storm' will last until Friday, featuring about 240 warplanes carrying out about 1,600 surprise attacks, the US Air Force said.

Washington and Seoul believe Pyongyang may continue testing the nuclear bomb for the first time since 2017, implementing Pyongyang's 'blocking' strategy through major military exercises that some current and former officials say could exacerbate tensions.

Last Friday, South Korean troops completed a 12-day Hoguk 22 field exercise, featuring mock amphibious landings and river crossings, including some exercises with US troops.

North Korea condemned joint exercises as exercises for the invasion and evidence of hostile policies by Washington and Seoul. In response, Pyongyang launched missiles, carried out air exercises, and fired artillery into the sea in response to the exercise.