Rizieq Followed By Police Due To Health Protocol Violation Case, Refly Harun: Too Excessive

JAKARTA - Constitutional law expert Refly Harun considers the attitude of the police in handling cases of violation of the health protocol involving the High Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab too much. Moreover, the stalking action resulted in the shooting of 6 special FPI troops on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

Through his YouTube account, the former chief commissioner of BUMN assesses that the case against Rizieq is only a matter of health protocol. Thus, police stalking the activities of this FPI frontman is deemed inappropriate.

"This is in the process of investigation, why should it be followed. That's one thing. Second, this is not an extraordinary case, only a case of violation of health protocols. Post-factum, there is no such thing as the Petamburan cluster," Refly said as quoted from the video. which he uploaded, Tuesday, December 8.

"Yes, it's strange, if what is being investigated is about violations of health protocols, why should it be followed? Why do you have to follow Habib Rizieq everywhere?" he added.

According to him, if it is indicated that Rizieq wants to carry out a coup against the legitimate government or hold a meeting to plan certain things, then it is only natural that he will then be followed by police officers and investigated.

"But if it is related to health protocols, violations of health protocols that have occurred are too excessive," he said.

Not only that, Refly also assessed that the government's excessive attitude emerged when dealing with cases of violation of this health protocol. One proof of this is the removal of various parties, including the Head of the Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Nana Sudjana some time ago.

"The officers' treatment of Habib Rizieq was too excessive. Until then there was the removal of the Jakarta Police Chief and then DKI, the DKI Regional Government also joined the event by removing the Central Jakarta Mayor, the officers at the Central Jakarta Mayor. So too much. Too much," he said.

Furthermore, he then judged, all parties must now hold back. The community, he continued, must not directly blame the officers or FPI for the shooting incident.

According to Refly, it is the duty of the independent fact-finding team to later uncover this case. Thus, it is hoped that this team will be formed independently and without intervention.

"We just present the claim or the version of the two parties. So that later it is not the public who will judge it, because facts cannot be judged before the facts themselves are published. Let it be an independent team, if it is formed," he said.

Previously reported, the incident of the police attack by laskar Rizieq Shihab took place at around 00.30 WIB Monday, early morning. Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran said that the police had received news that a mass of supporters of Rizieq Shihab would be deployed in connection with an investigation called Inspector General Fadil circulating in many WhatsApp groups.

Polda investigated the truth of the information and followed the vehicle Rizieq was in. On the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, Fadil said the officers' vehicles were intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons.

"Members who were threatened with their safety because they were attacked, then took a firm measure of measure, so that the group suspected of being MRS followers, totaling 10, died as many as 6 people," said Fadil.

However, this was denied by the FPI Spokesperson, Munarman. He emphasized that Rizieq made a trip to attend recitation at the residence of his immediate family. "The news is slanderous. Habib Rizieq is heading outside Jakarta to attend the nuclear family recitation. I do not want to mention where it is. This is only a nuclear family recitation, it does not involve any parties," said Munarman.

Apart from that, Munarman also emphasized that no shootout was carried out by the police and members of the laskar. Because Rizieq's followers do not have firearms.

"That big slander, if our troops are called carrying firearms and shooting. There was no shooting, only shooting incidents. We can't possibly buy (firearms, ed) from the black market. So it's a lie, a lie at all. attempts to slander, distort the facts, "he said.