3 Important Elements Of Body Defense To Maintain Child Immunity

JAKARTA - To maintain the child's immunity, three important elements in the body's defense to prevent disease need to be prepared. Pediatrician Miza Afrizal Sp.A explains the function of each of these elements.

"Number satu nutrient, bukan hanya makan banyak tapi berbagai. Jangan makanan banyak tapi junkfood, noodles instantan, telor terus, lalu kedua beristirahat sama immunisasi. Tiga itu pilar penting," ucap Miza dikutip dari ANTARA, Sabtu, 29 Oktober.

He said the fulfillment of nutrition for children can be obtained from daily foods that are easy to find and rich in vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin C, and Zinc, which can be obtained from milk, nuts, meat and fruit.

"Daily foods of vitamin C are in oranges, pineapple, zinc is in nuts and meat, vitamin D can be obtained from milk. If you can fulfill it and it is better than real food," said Miza.

For parents who want to provide immune or immune booster support in the form of supplements, it is recommended to be careful in choosing along with the rise of cases that are busy, namely acute kidney disorders in children.

Miza also suggested that if a child has a cough or runny nose, he can do warm bath therapy to help dilute mucus in the child's respiratory tract.

"Based in warm water, its function for clogged noses due to vapor from warm water helps relieve the clogged nose due to mucus," said Miza.

In addition, if the disease is accompanied by fever, skin-to-skin can be done or a touch from the skin to the skin of the parents on the child if it is still under six months. And keep meeting the fluid needs during the healing process.

"Complication number one fever and cough runny nose is dehydration, because children lack drink so they are dehydrated. Make sure to drink a lot if you drink six months under breast milk, six months and over you can breast milk and water," he said.

The doctor who often makes children's health education content also says honey can help overcome the symptoms of cough runny noses in children.

Miza said the vapor or nebulization therapy that parents often do to relieve coughs and runny noses in fact only temporarily eases the infection process, which only lasts 30 minutes to two hours.

"The work quickly disappears quickly, entering through the digestive tract can last six to 12 hours, if in the breathing it will disappear for 30 minutes to two hours. Nebulization will be suitable if asthma or bronchitis," he explained.

In addition, the nebulization method will also leave drugs in the form of small liquid particles in the oral cavity area so that the child's mouth becomes bitter and has no appetite.

"Long-term use can make fungi, because nebu vapor sticks to the mouth so that the child's shariawan. If it has been brought to the doctor, it's okay to buy it, but if it's better for yourself, don't," said Miza.

As a treatment at home if the child has a cold, namely by vacuuming mucus in the child's respiratory tract using a bulk syringe or a round nasal suction device, and make sure you don't use your mouth directly.

"As a home treatment that can be sucked in the nasal cavity, make sure the suction does not involve the mouth because it will feel bacteria from our mouth to the child," he concluded.