Understanding And Function Of RAM And ROM In General And Different On HP And Computer

YOGYAKARTA In the technological era like now, knowing the understanding and function of RAM and ROM is quite important. Knowing both is important, especially when you are looking for considerations for buying a cellphone or computer.

On cell phones and computers, RAM and ROM are both related to memory. But both have differences. For more details, here's the summary.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. While ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Both are on certain electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, computers, tablets, and so on. Although related to memory or storage, both have different functions and performances.

The RAM function is a temporary data storage area. RAM is capable of storing instructions, but can only work when the device is alive or operated.

When the device is turned on, data processing will take place through RAM. The greater the RAM on a device, the faster the operating system processing is because it is not burdened by the number of system operations in the device.

Similar to RAM, ROM's function is also intended as a place to store data in a device. It's just that the data stored in ROM is permanent so that changes cannot be made even though the computer is turned off suddenly.

In electronic devices, RAM and ROM have different functions. The following is generally the function of RAM on computers or on mobile phones.

On a computer device, RAM functions to store all information and data through the hard drive. You can also access RAM and add certain programs. The greater the capacity of RAM, the more you can add certain programs.

The data you save temporarily on your computer or cellphone will be stored in RAM. Data saved by file word that will be accessed again in the future. Or you can save the design you are currently working on and will be reopened the following day.

RAM also helps process temporary data. The data in question is the performance of the application stored on electronic devices so that you can give commands to certain applications. In addition, RAM also helps the device to be multitasking so that you can operate two applications at almost the same time.

Unlike RAM, ROM has a more specific function. In general, ROM functions are as follows.

ROM's main function is to store firmware in the form of software or software. The software stored in ROM is very important and usually relates to the main operating system in a device.

Because it is used to store primary software, ROM also helps computers, for example, to keep operating. You can turn on the computer from the time it turns on to the time it is turned off without any changes to the system.

Basically the existence of RAM and ROM on laptops, cellphones, or gadgets is the same. The only difference is the capacity of the two.

On the computer, RAM can be added so that the performance generated is better. While on the cellphone cannot be added.

That's information related to the function of RAM and ROM. To get other interesting things, visit VOI.ID.