When The National Police Chief Runs Away From The Manual Ticket, That Doesn't Mean The Police Can't Stop Drivers On The Road

Dirgakkum Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Aan Suhanan followed up on the direction of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit regarding warning and education for traffic violators.

"We are directed by the National Police Chief in the next 2-3 months to carry out sympathetic activities, meaning that in law enforcement that we do, it prioritizes educational activities, socialization. Then a warning to people who violate and maximize IT-based law enforcement with ETLE," said Aan in a written statement received, Thursday, October 27.

However, he said there were conditions where the police could still stop motorists who could potentially be dangerous, such as not wearing helmets, opposite directions, or even small children riding motorbikes, so they could still stop violators.

"Yes, if we see that there is a violation like people don't wear helmets, if the police don't stop, don't do anything, it's wrong to let people who have the potential for accidents. We must still give warnings by stopping them. That is a form of education and saving at least one person so as not to become an accident victim," he explained.

He added that currently his party is making a concept to minimize the occurrence of repeated traffic violations committed by the community. This concept is realized in a merit point system.

So every SIM owner at the beginning will have 12 points. This point will be reduced if the SIM owner commits a traffic violation. If the minor violation will be reduced by 1 point, the violation is moderate to 3 points, serious violations that have the potential to cause accidents will be reduced by 5 points. So later if the points run out, the SIM will be revoked and must carry out another SIM test," explained Brigadier General Aan when explaining the mechanism for reducing the merit points.

It was even mentioned that there were types of traffic violations that immediately spent the SIM owner's merit points.

"If the hit-and-run case will run out immediately of 12 points and the SIM can be permanently revoked," he said.

Dirlantas Polda Central Java Kombes Pol Agus Suryo Nugroho who accompanied the Dirgakkum Korlantas Polri in the activity explained that the merit point system had been implemented in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Police. However, he hopes that there will be no traffic violations committed by the people of Central Java, so there is no need for a reduction in the merit points against the owner of the SIM.

"So in Central Java the process has been running and has started at the Central Java Regional Police because it has been decided for a long time like that, so in the region it remains to explain. We hope that there are no traffic violations committed by the community so that no points must be given," he concluded.

On this occasion, Kombes Agus also revealed that currently the Ditlantas Polda Central Java is testing the use of drones to record traffic violations.

"That there are ETLEs that are static and some are mobile, so (the use of Drones) is only one mechanism. In Central Java, there is an ETLE trial that is connected to the Drone. Later, after it is clear with the Indonesian Drone Pilots Association, we will explain it in Korlantas," he concluded.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo instructed the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police to optimize static and portable electronic tickets and reduce manual tickets to avoid illegal levies (extortion).

The instruction is contained in the Telegram Letter of the National Police Chief Number: ST/2264/X/HUM.3.4.5./2022 dated October 18, 2022, which was signed by the Head of Korlantas Polri Inspector General Pol. Firman Shantyabudi.