Central Java Police Campur 3.4 Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine With Soapy Water And Then Blended

SEMARANG Ditresnarkoba Polda Jateng held a shabu-type Narcotics Evidence Eradication event weighing a total of 3,430.6 grams. The destruction of evidence was led directly by the Director of Drugs and Drugs, Kombes Pol Lutfi Martadian, at the Central Java Police's Narcotics Directorate Headquarters in Tanah Putih, Semarang City on Thursday, October 27.

Also present to witness the destruction process of the Head of the Tanjung Mas Customs Office, Anton Martin, along with a number of representatives from the Central Java BNNP, the Nganjuk Kejari and the Tulungagung Kejari.

The evidence that was destroyed was confiscated from 3 suspects with the initials HS, UK and KK in the case of smuggling methamphetamine from Malaysia. The three were arrested on September 5 from their homes in Nganjuk and Tulungagung by joint officers from the Central Java Regional Police and BNNP.

"The three suspects still have a family relationship, HS plays a role in sending goods from Malaysia and monitoring the movement of these goods in the process of sending them. Meanwhile, UK and HS play a role in providing addresses for the delivery of goods to the suspect HS," said Kombes Pol Lutfi Martadian in a written statement, Thursday 27 October.

Dirresnarkoba revealed that the destruction of this evidence was based on a decree from the Nganjuk and Tulungagung District Attorney regarding orders to destroy evidence by Central Java Police investigators.

"This destruction is based on a Decree from the Nganjuk Prosecutor's Office and the Tulungagung Prosecutor's Office to destroy evidence by investigators," he said.

The extermination activity began with a laboratory test by Bidlabfor using the Marquish reagent. When the reagent was tested on the example of evidence of methamphetamine showing a change in color to black orange as evidence that the example of positive evidence was Methamphetamine / Sabu.

Furthermore, the evidence in the form of 2 bags containing methamphetamine was destroyed by being blended and poured into water containing dish soap.

"This is because methamphetamine is very easy to dissolve in water and the best destruction is mixed with water," explained the Director of Drugs.

The destruction was carried out alternately by the Narcotics Director, followed by the Head of Customs and Excise Tanjung Mas as well as representatives from the Central Java BNNP and the Attorney General's Office. As evidence in court, 2 small bags containing 5 grams of Sabu each were set aside by officers before the destruction was carried out.

For his crimes of drug smuggling, the suspects HS, UK and KK were charged with Article 132 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 114 paragraph (2) and Article 132 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (2) of Law Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years and a minimum of 6 years in prison.