1 Year Up 309 Percent, The Number Of Traffic Violations In Banten Increases Drastic

The Banten Police have installed CCTV cameras for Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (E-TLE) at several road points. The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Shinto Silitonga, explained that the installation of this ETLE was to dissipate the public in complying with traffic regulations.

Shinto said, based on data from the Banten Police Ditlantas, the number of vehicles caught on ETLE cameras was quite large.

"From data from the Ditlantas Polda Banten as of April 2021 to December 2021, 159,097 vehicles were caught on ETLE cameras, then data from January 2022 to October 23, 2022, 649,957 vehicles were caught on ETLE cameras," Shinto said in a written statement, Wednesday, October 25.

From the data, Shinto said that the vehicle caught on camera ETLE experienced a fairly high increase.

"Dari data tersebut, jumlah kendaraan yang tertangkap kamera ETLE mengalami kenaikan 490.860 atau 309%," terang Shinto.

To note, ETLE cameras in Banten are currently spread over 6 different points.

The number of ETLE points in the Banten Police as of April 2021 to February 28, 2022, there were 3 points then on March 1, 2022 until now the Banten Police have again installed 3 points. So now the Banten Police have owned and installed six ETLE locations in Serang City and Serang Regency," he said.

Please note, a number of locations have ETLE cameras installed, namely, the Ciceri red light, the Pecung Sumur red light, Pisang Mas red light, Jalan Raya Serang-Jakarta to be precise in front of the exit of the Mall of Serang, the Kebon Jahe intersection in Serang City, and the Ciruas intersection.

"We hope that the community will cultivate order and comply with traffic regulations, especially now that fines have been imposed for violators who are captured or caught on ETLE cameras," concluded Shinto.