5 Plants That Can Ornamentalize Around The House, The Benefits Are Good For Healing

YOGYAKARTA certain plants can be useful for healing or healing. Either by eating the leaves as salads, there are also plants that can absorb CO2 indoors and clean the air. Interested in planting ornamental plants that are useful for healing and health around the house? Come on, here, see what these plants are.

It's common knowledge that aloe vera or popularly known as aloe vera has many benefits. In addition to health, aloe vera is good for maintaining skin beauty. According to Brie Arthur, Vice President of Horticulture at Gardenuity is reported by Martha Stewart's page, Wednesday, October 26, aloe vera is a home plant that can reduce skin inflammation. Gelluma in the leaves can treat burns and small infections in the skin.

If the gel is drunk, said Arthur, it can help maintain the balance of the digestive system. This plant also offers anti-inflammatory properties and encourages good bacteria in the intestines.

British Marigold is known for its orange flower, which can help relieve pain if used topically. When applied to the skin, swollen insect bites can be low and the pain fades. In addition, the color of the flower orange can refresh the eye.

If you don't have a large land area, you can grow ginger in pots. Ginger is also flowering, which can help balance the digestive system. The gap in ginger plants can be used topically and orally. Topically, it can be processed as oil or applied directly to warm. Just like when consumed orally, it can help overcome nausea, make calming tea, and fight the flu.

Apart from being processed as healthy snacks, such as chips, Pegagan leaves can also be a mixture of fresh salads. In Ayurveda's treatment, Pegagan plants can help cognitive levels and sharpen memories, according to Dr. Michael J. Blick, vice president at Botanical Science, The New York Botanical Garden.

Still have the same function, in addition to sprinkler plants, you can also plant snake plants, fiber leg, ponytail palm, and boson phern. These plants can purify the air in the house. This easy-to-growing ornamental plant, according to psychologists, can help regulate good emotions and maintain a mood when displayed on your desk.

Of the five plants above, which one have you planted at home? If you want to add in-home ornamental plants, consider which one is most proportional to home decoration.