Pertamina Empowered Residents Of The Palembang Prison, Budi Daya Hydroponics

PALEMBANG - Pertamina Patra Niaga Southern Sumatra Region through the Integrated Terminal Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), empowers inmates of correctional institutions to cultivate hydroponic plants.

Area Manager Communication, Relation & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Sumbagsel Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan said the company's social responsibility activities had been started since 2020 in the Vegetable Planted Women's Movement (Gertas) program.

Thanks to this program, the inmates were able to cultivate hydroponics and process vegetable processed products.

"We want to provide skills to the inmates so that when they leave they can be independent because they already have business opportunities that can be developed," he said, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 25.

So far there are 15 inmates who have participated in the Gertas program. They were able to produce derivative products, namely vegetable biscuits with the trademark Le Panile Bakery.

This program is a manifestation of Pertamina's concern for women, especially women assisted by women.

The assistance provided is hydroponic installation, battery facilities and infrastructure, as well as training.

Through the slogan of this program, namely Empowered Women, Prosperous Communities, it is hoped that women can also improve the domestic economy and no longer fall into the circle of crime.

Head of Palembang Class II A Women's Prison Ike Rahmawati said this hydroponic planting activity could train the ability to grow the residents of prisons.

Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga dapat membuat para penghuni lapas menyibukkan diri dengan kegiatan yang bermanfaat dan positif.

"This assumption is expected to be useful for them after returning to society," said Ike.