Food To Reduce Swelling Foot In Pregnant Mothers
YOGYAKARTA - Cleveland Clinic, America's non-profit academic medical center, defines the edema as a "swelling caused by fluid trapped in your body tissue." This usually occurs in the legs, ankles, and legs but can also affect the face, hands, stomach, and even the whole body, the center explains. Then, what is the food to reduce the swollen leg in pregnant women?
It is natural for pregnant women to experience swelling in their legs, hands, and face in the first trimester, but these swellings are usually felt in the fifth month of pregnancy. It can increase in the third trimester.
Here are some things that can help reduce swelling during pregnancy:
What Should Be Eatt to Reduce Fattening When Pregnant?
Vitamins and minerals are important in your diet can help reduce the emeda. Electrolyte equilibria can directly affect how your body can process extra fluids. Certain foods are natural diuretics (increase of fluid excretion through the kidneys) and can actually help reduce swelling. Here are some foods that can help you.
Foods that Reduce Weakness During Pregnancy
Increase potassium intake. Potassium is an important mineral that helps your body balance the amount of liquid it holds.
High foods of potassium include these fruits, vegetables, and spices:
Natural diuretic foods include fruits, vegetables, and herbs:
High food protein:
Foods that cause swelling and Must Be Avoided
There are several types of certain foods that you can remove from your diet to help relieve the edies during pregnancy. These foods can actually contribute to the emeda. Try to avoid them as best you can.
So after knowing the food to reduce swollen feet in pregnant women, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!