Kamaruddin Asked 12 Witnesses From Brigadier J's Family In Joint Court

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) has again held a follow-up hearing in the murder case of Brigadier J aliasa Yosua Hutabarat. Today's trial, Tuesday, October 25, is scheduled to examine 12 witnesses from the Brigadier J family with the defendant Bharada E.

Brigadier J's attorney said that all witnesses were questioned at the same time. The reason is because what will be conveyed will be the same.

"Because we ask the panel for almost the same information to be checked together to save time," he said.

When asked about preparations, Kamaruddin admitted that he had prepared mentally and prayed to undergo the trial of Brigadier J's murder.

Preparation for prayer, both mentally, the three material cases to explain what was seen was heard and experienced by the witness himself," he said.

He added that the family would also be open if later Bharada E sincerely apologized directly for the incident.

"If you apologize as long as he is honest and frankly there is perfect good faith, we accept it," he concluded.

The 12 witnesses were Samuel Hutabarat as the father of Yosua, Vera Marela Simanjuntak as the girlfriend of Yosua, Rosti Simanjuntak, Mahareza Rizky, Yuni Artika Hutabarat, Devianita Hutabarat, Novitasari Nadea, Simanjuntak Spirit, Parulian Studio, Roslin Emika Simanjuntak, Indrawanto Pasaribu and Kamaruddin.