Citizens +62 Many Protest, MC Denmark Open 2022 Call Kevin/Marcus And Fajar/Rian From Malaysia

JAKARTA - The Master of Ceremony (MC) of the Denmark Open 2022 has drawn protests from netizens, especially Indonesians. MC was found wrong to mention the countries of origin from Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian and Kevin Sanjaya/Marcus Gideon in the final ceremony which took place on Sunday, October 23.

The two Indonesian men's doubles are even said to have come from Malaysia.

The moment occurred when MC asked Fajar/Rian and Kevin/Marcus to go up on the podium to complete the championship medal. When calling his first name, MC said Fajar/Rian represented Malaysia.

Suddenly this incident made the two men's doubles of the Cipayung National Training Center look confused to look at each other. Not once, MC again incorrectly mentioned the origin of the country when Kevin/Marcus was also called on the podium and again called him from Malaysia.

After going viral on social media, angry and angry netizens with MC behavior immediately moved quickly to comment on the incident. Not a few said it was disappointing.

Some even briefly and clearly stated that the incident was a disgrace.

"This is Fajar/Rian's first 750 title and you are wrong to mention the name of the country of origin. I can't accept it, I really appreciate it. Repeat the podium," wrote the account @wangt***ng with an angry emoji.

"I really miss calling the country wrong, there's no correction, I've talked about it several times, the pronouncation is really bad. It's like kumur2 and sleepy people. What a shame the MC!," protested the account owner @thisre***aa.

"QUEST," wrote the account @sobangc***n.

Not only that, but striking comments were also given by other netizens who stated that the host should have been able to see the Indonesian flag embedded in the jersey worn by Fajri and The Minions.

Moreover, Kevin/Marcus and Fajar/Rian are considered not new players in the badminton world, so netizens consider the mistake unreasonable.

Maju kamu mam, yang salah menyebut dua kali. Penelitian mbak riset selajar internasional salah sebut. Masaya saat menonton di layer segede gaban tak lihat dan tak tahu bendera Indonesia di jersey pemain, celuk akun @hsn*** sambil mengirim foto Kevin Sanjaya mengenakan jersey dengan bendera Indonesia.

"Do you know where the MD pairs, which are always called 2 throughout 2022, came from (?) and Marcus/Kevin also don't know where they came from (?) yes, this model is an international MC event. Its very quiet for us," quipped the @ownemem *** account.

Shortly after the moment went viral, the Danish Badminton Federation immediately corrected that the two men's doubles were representatives of Indonesia. They also apologized.

"To all, we sincerely apologize for the mistake of the announcement. Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Ardianto and Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sukamuljo are of course from INDONESIA! We know that. This is a human fault, and we hope you can accept our apologies," wrote the Danish Badminton Twitter account.