With Anaglyph's Concept, Artificial Sun Analogizes Human Attitudes In Young Music Videos

JAKARTA - The band alternative rock Artificial Sun launched a new single titled Raga Taktuan on September 27 yesterday on various digital music platforms. The music video comes about a week later.

Raga Taktuan's music artwork and video have an anaginlyph concept. The music video features each personnel with a blue and red effect. If enjoyed with blue or red anginishph glasses, the audience will be treated with a different experience than seeing with the naked eye.

"The color difference is an analogy of human attitudes, namely those who have the character to avoid every problem, and those who dare to make decisions to face all problems," explained the band in their official statement.

Just like the previous single, Pudar, the music video for Raga Tak Bertuan was directed by the vocalist and guitarist of Artificial Sun, Adi Tamtomo, who previously worked on music videos from Konspiration, Cupumanik, The Satmoko, and Tiger Combat.

Adi Tamtomo also acts as a photographer and graphic designer for artwork and photos of band personnel.

Meanwhile, in terms of music, Raga Taktuan is not like Putar, who is full of distortion and beats like a song from a rock band. This time, Adi Tamtomo and Rully Ronggo Saharjo (guitar), Richard Johan Jonathan (bass), and Fadila (drums) performed a combination of music genres that were merged into a complete unit.

Nuansa-nuansa such as rock, dreampop, nugaze, shoegaze, and post-rock swinging slow, smooth, gloomy and dark, creating a echoing dreamy atmosphere, as if bringing listeners into a feeling of uncertainty.

This is in line with the line of lyrics sung by Adi Tamtomo; emotional, melting, gentle and following the dynamics of music that slowly rises until it finally breaks to distort. Change into a composition of grunge/post-runges that heats blow up.