Surabaya Pilkada Debate: Eri-Armudji Wants Safe City With Transparent Government, MA-Mujiaman Promises Makmur Wargane

SURABAYA - The pair of candidates for mayor-deputy mayor Eri Cahyadi-Armudji promised the city of Surabaya to be safe with transparent governance.

"We want to make Surabaya a city of tolerance, there is no minimum majority for worshiping and carrying out activities. Surabaya is a city for all, the city of Surabaya must be a safe and resilient city, "said Eri Cahyadi opening the Surabaya Pilkada debate which was broadcast live streaming, Saturday, December 5.

Eri-Armudji (Erji) emphasized that the unity in Surabaya will be built on the foundation of a government that is transparent, professional and serves.

"We believe that the best way to build Surabaya, build unity, strengthen Indonesia is our goal and God willing, it will be realized," continued Eri Cahyadi who was promoted by PDIP in the Surabaya Pilkada.

Meanwhile, the pair number 2 Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman for mayor-vice mayor of Surabaya confirmed Surabaya's vision of 'Maju Kotane-Makmur Wargane'. This vision is compiled with studies including building synergy between city, provincial and central governments.

"We focus on accelerating development so that Surabaya will experience a big leap, handling COVID, in the fields of social health, education and economic recovery.

is a top priority for our term of service, ”Machfud Arifin said, speaking on the vision-mission.

Everything, continued Machfud Arifin, can be realized with synergy between levels of government. To be sure, Machfud Arifin wants Surabaya to be a common house, a comfortable place to live without distinguishing SARA.

"Therefore, the strengthening of national character must be instilled starting from elementary level education and involving the role of the family. We socialize an egalitarian and democratic open arek culture. We must protect all forms of diversity that are formed, ”Machfud Arifin said.