2 Cases Of Accounting For Acute Kidney Failure Found In Batang Jateng, 1 Stated To Have Died

The Batang Regency Regional General Hospital (RSUD) reported that it found two cases of acute kidney failure in children, one of whom was declared dead.

Director of Batang Hospital, Dr. Muhammad Ali Balki, said that the case of child kidney failure found was categorized as non-misterious because there were several factors.

"There have been two cases of acute kidney failure in children. However, the two patients are not categorized as mysterious because there are comorbidities such as patients infected with dengue fever, while patients undergoing outpatient care are known to have a history of kidney failure," he said in Batang, Central Java (Central Java), quoted from Antara, Friday, October 21.

Ali said that cases of child kidney failure are not yet known for sure and are difficult to detect with the naked eye because of mild symptoms such as fever, cough, and runny nose.

If parents see their child experiencing these symptoms, he said, they should immediately be taken to a doctor and parents do not give drugs carelessly.

"If the child is sick, he will be examined by a doctor immediately. Don't be carelessly given medicine and be careful when using drugs, first check whether it is registered with BPOM and so on," said Ali.

On the same occasion, the pediatrician at the Batang Hospital, Dr. Evi Susanti, said that parents are obliged to pay attention to the health of their children and families by eating healthy and nutritious foods to prevent acute kidney failure in their children.

Including, he said, not providing paracetamol or liquid medicine for treatment in children.

He said that in Indonesia there had not been any indication of the paracetamol liquid drug, but as a preventive effort, it was advisable not to use the type of drug first because it was still in the further research stage.

"As a substitute, parents can give hot reduction drugs to children with tablet paracetamol or Puyer. Parents also don't have to worry too much," said Evi.