Car Bekas Masih Banjir Penginat, Autopedia (ASLC) Mencatat Penjualan Rp308 Miliar Di Kuartal III 2022

JAKARTA - PT Autopedia Sukses Lestari Tbk (ASLC) recorded an increase in sales of up to 128 percent or Rp308.21 billion from January to September.

Thus, in the third quarter of 2022, ASLC posted revenue growth of 65 percent compared to the previous quarter (QoQ) to IDR 148.70 billion.

Autopedia Sukses President Director Lestari Jany Candra said the Company's rapid increase in revenue from the sale of used cars showed that his party had implemented business plans correctly and measurably.

"The expansion carried out by ASLC has yielded results, so we are optimistic, in the future the Company's performance will continue to grow better," he said in an official statement, Friday, October 21.

He continued, with the company's aggressive expansion, the volume of used car dealers' sales units also increased significantly by 122.7 percent QoQ, from 353 units in the second quarter of 2022 to 786 units in the third quarter of 2022.

The total volume of used car sales is 1,356 units in January-September 2022.

In the third quarter, Caroline consistently sold more than 200 cars each month supported by the expansion of the touchpoint network.

Since the end of the second quarter, the Company has added 5 touch points so that as of last August the total has operated 21 touch points. The five newly opened touch points are located in Semarang, Palembang, Makassar, Bali, and WTC Mangga Dua Jakarta.

Since the beginning of this year, ASLC has continued to add new touchpoints for the former O2O (online-to-offline) car dealer service under the brand Caroline.

"Currently ASLC has 21 pull points, exceeding the company's initial target of operating 20 service points by the end of this year," Jany continued.

The auction business also showed good traction as sales grew by 21 percent QoQ, driven by stronger volume growth of 8 percent QoQ for four-wheeled vehicles and 14 percent QoQ for two-wheeled vehicles, which also underscores stable recovery.

The Company's gross profit in the third quarter of 2022 grew strongly, an increase of 17 percent compared to the second quarter of 2022, from Rp29 billion to Rp34 billion.

In line with strong growth in the used car business, the profit and gain margin in this period was recorded at 23 percent (compared to 32 percent in the second quarter of 2022) as revenue contribution from used car sales reached 75 percent (compared only 66 percent in the second quarter of 2022).

"Tipical in the used car trading business, the generated margin tends to be lower than in the auction business, but with higher income," he added.

The ASLC posted a net loss of IDR 5.6 billion in the third quarter of 2022, quite under control given the rate of expansion targeted by the company.

The establishment of operations and a sustainable Autopedia network will be a major milestone for establishing a strong foundation for future expansions in the next few years.

A big opportunity in the used car segment, coupled with the prospect of long-term GDP growth and growth in the young population, is a key factor that will boost the future of this sector.

"In the midst of a variety of economic uncertainty next year, management will see opportunities for used car business. It is estimated that the price of new cars will be higher amidst the situation of increasing the dollar exchange rate, it will make used cars the choice of consumers because the price is cheaper," concluded Jany.