There Are 3 Cases Of Acute Kidney Failure In Yogyakarta: 2 Children Selamat, 1 Death

SLEMAN - The Health Office of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province, has so far recorded the findings of three cases of kidney failure in children in their area."Of the three cases, two children were declared cured and one child died," said Head of the Sleman Regency Health Office Cahya Purnama in Sleman, Antara, Friday, October 21.According to him, the three children who had acute kidney failure were treated at Dr Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta after undergoing treatment at a hospital in Sleman. Child patients who had acute kidney failure were previously treated at Sleman Hospital, UGM Academic Hospital, and Hermina Hospital in Sleman, but were then referred to Dr Sardjito Hospital.One referral child patient from Hermina Hospital died. The acute kidney failure patient is about 10 years old."Currently, the cause is still being investigated, but for the same symptoms, acute kidney failure," said Cahya.Cahya explained that pediatric patients who experience acute kidney failure on average experience a decrease in frequency and volume of urine and fever."The average complaints experienced by patients are like that, a little urine and fever," he said.