Even Though They Were Hit By Floods, Bali's Preparations Were Not Disturbed By The G20 Summit

JAKARTA - Bali Governor Wayan Koster ensured that a number of natural disasters that had occurred in Bali would not interfere with the G20 meeting in November 2022.
"There is no G20 problem, the flood has been resolved, it is safe," Wayan Koster told the media in Denpasar, Friday, October 21, as reported by Antara.
Koster guarantees that all G20 delegates who will arrive in Bali do not need to worry. This is because the condition of the Island of the Gods is ensured safe, after previously a number of districts were hit by flash floods due to extreme weather.
Meanwhile, Koster said that in Bali, a number of handling locations affected by natural disasters had begun to be carried out, such as temporary evacuations for residents in Jembrana Regency.
"Food (for refugees) has been prepared, in the long term there will be a relocation of residents in Jembrana Regency, there are about 20 families, maybe they will be relocated, the land has been prepared by the Bali Provincial Government," he said.
Wayan Koster chose the relocation decision because at several points of flash floods there were often similar disasters, with cases on Sunday (17/10) being the worst, by hitting Jembrana Regency, Tabanan Regency, and Karangasem Regency, causing fatalities.
"Indeed, the position of the house (the victim of the Jembrana Regency disaster) is under the road, it is uncomfortable so it is being pursued, hopefully, all residents want to be relocated, we have prepared it and the house will be assisted by BNPB, if for the G20 Bali is safe, there's no need to worry," he said. confirm the current condition.
Previously, the Bali Forum Organization (WALHI) on Tuesday (18/10) also briefly highlighted the infrastructure development of the Gilimanuk-Menwi Toll Road, which is said to have touched 480.54 hectares of rice fields.
The impact of the conversion of agricultural and subak land functions is said to have made a natural hydrological irrigation system that can maintain the volume of water from upstream to downstream damaged so as to accelerate the occurrence of flooding.
"Elih fungsi lahan menyebabkan perubahan iklim dan kenaikan suhu temur bumi dalam peningkatan tinggi curah hujan di berbagai lokasi, sehingga sangat berpotensi terjadinya bencana banjir dan tanah longsor di berbagai daerah di Bali," kata Direktur WALHI Bali Made Krisna Dinata.
Responding to this, Koster explained that not many rice fields would be passed from the construction of the Mengwi-Gilimanuk Toll Road, he also ensured that the construction had been carefully taken into account.
"There is not much spirit, only 200 hectares if I'm not mistaken, but the economic value of the entire region has increased several times. Later it will not cause a disaster, this has been calculated and the area is not an upstream area, this is a transverse area, it is different if the development is carried out upstream it can be dangerous," he said.