The 5th Day Of Grandpa 68 Years Went Missing At Mandengan Plantation, SAR Sulut Focused On Highway Combs

SULUT - The search for a 68-year-old grandfather who went missing at Perkebunan Mandengan, Tomohon, North Sulawesi (Sulut) entered its fifth day on Thursday, October 20. The joint SAR team will focus on the area around the plantation.

"Today the search for victims Daniel Tiwow, 68 years continues," said Spokesperson for the Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas), Manado, Veri, in Manado, North Sulawesi, Thursday, October 20.

The search was carried out around plantations and roads after four days ago the joint SAR team searched the area in Mandengan Plantation.

The focus of the search point this time is also based on information obtained from witnesses. They said they had seen the victim had left the plantation area.

"For this reason, we hope that information from the public, if you see the victim walking on the highway, anywhere," said Head of Operations for the Manado Basarnas, Jendry Paendong, adding that Antara was confiscated.

To the public who saw the whereabouts or knew the last time the grandfather named Daniel Tiwow was active after gardening on Saturday, October 15, Jendry asked to contact Basarnas or the joint SAR team.

"Please inform Basarnas or the police to follow up on evacuating victims under any circumstances," he said.

As previously reported, his grandfather Daniel Tiwow was reported missing by his family after saying goodbye to gardening on Saturday, October 15, at around 07.30 WITA.

Keluhan Matani 3 melakukan pencarian hingga pada Minggu 16 Oktober meminta kepada Basarnas untuk membantu menemukan grandfather berusia 68 tahun itu.