Akhyar Meet Supporters To Strengthen Witnesses To Prevent Money Politics, Bobby Nasution Goes To Look At Floods

MEDAN - Candidate for the mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution visited the floods in Medan, North Sumatra. Bobby invited Medan residents to pray together so that the floods would recede soon.

"Medan is in mourning, today floods hit 7 districts and 13 urban villages. A total of 2,773 houses, 1,983 households, and 5,965 people were affected by the flood, based on data reported by Pusdalops BPBD Medan. There are even victims who have died and there are still victims whose status is missing, ”said Bobby Nasution as quoted from the Instagram account bobbynst, Friday, December 4.

This flood disaster made Medan residents feel sad. However, Bobby who is paired with Aulia Rachman in the Medan Regional Head Election must rise, work together and collaborate with each other to help residents affected by the floods.

"I also invite all Medan residents to pray together that the victims will be given courage and this flood disaster will end soon. Hopefully the current condition of Medan City can be fixed together, "said Bobby.

"Stay alert and be careful until the situation is truly conducive," he continued.

Akhyar Nasution Asks Beware of Money Politics

Meanwhile, the candidate for mayor number 1 in the Medan Pilkada, Akhyar Nasution, asked the entire winning team, volunteers, sympathizers and also the public to supervise the money politics that occurred in the Medan Pilkada.

"I don't know who did that, but it's definitely not Akhyar - Salman. This needs to be monitored, this is what injures and will never be good for this city, this country will never be good, if all political processes start with money politics," he stressed. Akhyar in Medan Selayang, Friday, December 4.

Akhyar said that efforts were being made to distribute logistics, the origin of which was unknown. "I also don't know who, but my hearing, my eyesight, this is happening, both through official and unofficial officials in all kinds of ways. Please all of us monitor, if there is anything we video, we record, this is evidence if there is a dispute over the Pilkada. later, "ordered Akhyar.

In addition, Akhyar explained, even though they did not receive an invitation to vote for C6, residents who already have the right to vote must still come to the polling stations (TPS).

"If we have our names on the DPT, just show us our ID. We can vote at any time. But if not, still come to the polling station but the voting is 12 to 1 o'clock. Please understand this," said Akhyar.