In The Indictment, It Was Revealed That Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan Asked Other Police To Follow Ferdy Sambo's Engineering

JAKARTA - Former Karo Paminal Propam Division, Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan was charged with asking witnesses or other suspects to trust the scenario made by Ferdy Sambo.
One of the suspects, Arif Rachman, was asked by Hendra Kurniawan to believe in the death of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J because of a shootout with Bharada Richard
It all started when Arif Rachman watched the CCTV footage downloads at the Duren Tiga Police Complex. Apparently, it was discovered that Brigadier J was not killed by a shootout.
So, Arif Rachman, who was accompanied by Hendra Kurniawan, reported it to Ferdy Sambo. However, he was asked to destroy the CCTV footage or file.
"Witness Ferdy Sambo conveyed to the defendant Hendra Kurniawan 'Nodra, make sure everything is done'," said the public prosecutor (JPU) reading the indictment in the South Jakarta District Court courtroom, Wednesday, October 19.
Then, Ferdy Sambo was angry with Arif Rachman. The reason, he seemed not to believe what the former Head of the Propam Division said.
Because, when Ferdy Sambo spoke, Arif Rachman always looked down and was reluctant to look directly at him.
Until finally, Hendra Kurniawan asked Arif Rachman to trust all the scenarios made by Ferdy Sambo. Including, carrying out his orders
"It's real, we just believe it," said the prosecutor.