Profile Bambang Susantono Head Of IKN Authority 2022-2027

YOGYAKARTA - Bambang Susantono, Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN), said the IKN development attracted extraordinary interest from investors. He conveyed this in a market sound or market poll forum organized by IKN with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) at Djakarta Theater, Tuesday, October 18.

Bambang Susanto in his speech hoped that the market poll event would be able to attract the enthusiasm of investors from within and outside the country to be involved in IKN development in East Kalimantan. Bambang also said that the government is currently preparing the establishment of business entities to facilitate business activities or B2B transactions in the archipelago.

As the Head of the IKN authority, Bambang Susanto was inaugurated on March 10, 2022 by President Joko Widodo. Bambang is trusted to serve as the position for the 2022-2027 period. Bambang is not new to the world of government. He has been a high-ranking state official since more than 10 years ago.

Bambang Susantono was born on November 4, 1963 in Yogyakarta. This 50-year-old man is an expert in infrastructure and transportation planning. Bambang was an alumnus of the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1987.

In 1996, Bambang Susanto won a Master's degree at the University of California, Berkeley, for urban and regional planning. Two years later at the same university, Bambang won a Master's degree in transport engineering. Then in 2000 Bambang received a doctorate at the same university in infrastructure planning. Bambang has a full name along with the title, namely Ir. Bambang Susantono, MCP, MSCE, Ph.D.

Bambang Susantono started his career by working as a civil servant in the Department of Public Works (PU). As a competent person in the field of infrastructure and transportation, Bambang is old and experienced in government. In 2004-2010, Bambang was trusted to be the Chairman of the Indonesian Transportation Society.

In 2007-2010, Bambang served as Deputy Coordinating Minister for the Economy for Infrastructure and Regional Development Coordination. After that in 2010-2014, he held the position of Deputy Minister of Transportation in the United Indonesia Cabinet. He also occupies the position of President Commissioner of PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk., since 2012.

Bambang can be said to be an official figure as well as an expert who is very super busy. His mobility is very deep and holds several important positions at once. Bambang is also active as a teacher and supervisor of students of the Postgraduate Program for Engineering at the University of Indonesia (UI).

After giving up the position of Deputy Minister of Transportation, Bambang works abroad. He was entrusted with the position of Vice President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He has the responsibility to run a sustainable development program. In addition, he was also asked to work on programs to overcome climate change. Not only that, but Bambang also carried out economic research and regional cooperation and supervised the publications and reports of ADB on Asian development.

In addition to these positions, Bambang Susanto has also worked in other important positions, including:

That is Bambang Susantono's profile and career journey in infrastructure and transportation. Bambang has qualified experience and track records in the fields of infrastructure and city planning, both as an expert and a career in government.

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