Out Of The Courtroom, Brigadier General Hendra Was Again Handcuffed And Put On A Mask

Brigadier General Hendra left the courtroom after the Public Prosecutor (JPU) finished reading the indictment, around 11.10 WIB. He was brought back by the Prosecutor's Office to the detention waiting room under escort.

Before leaving the room, the prosecutor's officers were seen handling both of Brigadier General Hendra's hands. And the mask was reused by him.

Brigadier General Hendra was not accompanied by his wife, Seali Syah. The former Karo Paminal was only accompanied by his attorney, Henry Yosodiningrat.

Pantauan VOI di PN Jaksel, wajah Brigjen Hendra tak terlihat begitu tertekan. Dia tampak tenang sambil mengikuti protokol keamanan.

After Brigadier General Hendra left, it was Kombes Agus' turn to enter the courtroom.

Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan was charged with controlling efforts to eliminate CCTV evidence of the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. Hendra Kurniawan control and supervise the disappearance of the evidence on the orders of Ferdy Sambo.