Still Full Of Mud Due To Floods, Trenggalek Hospital Has Not Yet Removed Road Care

JAKARTA - dr. Soedomo Hospital in Trenggalek Regency, East Java, is still closing out outpatient services because the flooded polyclinic spaces are still being cleaned.

"We are still serving emergency services. But for outpatient care we are temporarily closed because cleaning (rooms) is still being carried out," said Head of the Services Division of RSUD dr. Soedomo Trenggalek, Sujiono, as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 19.

According to him, the outpatient service facility is dr. Soedomo temporarily does not serve new patients or patients who wish to consult.

However, he continued, hospital managers provide services for outpatients who need medicine in emergency outpatient rooms in new buildings.

"For people (old outpatients) who need medicine, we will still serve them in the new building," he said.

Sujiono could not confirm when outpatient services could return to normal operations.

According to him, hospital managers optimize efforts to clean up all polyclinic spaces during the flood as high as 50 to 60 cm so that they can be immediately used to serve patients.

dr. Soedomo Hospital has 13 outpatient polyclinic rooms and 11 of them were inundated during the flood.

In addition, there are laboratories, radiology rooms, hemodialization rooms, pharmacies, intensive care unit rooms, and several inpatient rooms that are inundated due to flooding in the hospital.

At least 44 patients had to be evacuated from inpatient rooms on the 1st floor of the old building to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4 new hospital buildings during the dr. Soedomo Hospital complex was flooded on Tuesday (18/10).

Facilities and infrastructure to support patient services at hospitals are also affected by flooding.

Employees of RSUD dr. Soedomo was deployed to help clean the rooms and halls between the still inundated and muddy service rooms.

"For the cleaning of the yard and the route to the hospital which is still muddy thick enough, we will coordinate with the Damkar for spraying," said Sujiono.