LSI Denny JA Survey: The Most Dramatical Sambo Ferdy Case In 2022, The Popularity Of Samai Prabowo Subianto

JAKARTA - The national survey institute LSI Denny JA released the findings related to the Ferdy Sambo case and the presidential election voters today, Tuesday, October 18.As a result, the level of popularity in the Ferdy Sambo case matched Prabowo Subianto's level of popularity as the most popular 2024 presidential candidate."The number of Indonesians who know about the Sambo Ferdy case has reached 87.5 percent. Hearing the name Ferdy Sambo means more than those who hear the names of current presidential candidates, except Prabowo. Only Prabowo is known above 87.5 percent," said the Director of LSIGI - LSI Denny JA, Ardian Sopa, in an online survey presentation, Tuesday, October 18.Ardian said the majority of various levels of society were also aware of this case. In fact, this case has remained a public discussion for months.According to him, cases like Ferdy Sambo do not necessarily occur once a dozen years. In fact, this kind of case may not necessarily occur in fifty years."So it is clear that Ferdy Sambo's case is the most dramatic case in 2022," he continued.The five factors that made Ferdy Sambo's case the most dramatic case throughout 2022, continued Ardian, first, this case was heard by 87.5 by the Indonesian population."This means that the absolute majority of Indonesians have heard or known about this case (above 75 percent). Not much in the history of cases has been heard by more than 75 percent of the country's population," explained Ardian."People who have never heard of this case are only 7.1 percent. As many as 5.4 percent said they did not know or did not answer," he continued.The second factor, Ferdy Sambo's case was heard by the majority of people. From the age rate, which is under 30 years old, 94.4 percent said they had heard of this case. The 30- – 39-year-old, 88.5 percent, said they had heard of this case. The 40– 49-year-old, 89.1 percent said they had heard of this case. In fact, those over 50 years of age, 81.6 percent said they had heard of this case.The third factor is that the Ferdy Sambo case has remained a public discussion for months. It is known, the chronology of the case of the death of Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J began to emerge when Ferdy Sambo made a report to the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, July 8, 2022."Until now (October 2022), it means that the Ferdy Sambo case has been discussed for four months. He is not only discussed at coffee shops, on social media, even on campus to places of worship," said Ardian.The Fourth Factor, Ferdy Sambo's case is like a drama full of hot issues and character changes. From the police case of shooting the police, it turned to the issue of infidelity.Then this case got richer with the existence of obstruction of justice elements (politicians or state officials who lied to prevent the actual case from being revealed). As a result of his actions, said Ardian, justice seekers were hindered.Then, it turned again into a case where the husband defended his wife, abused positions, as well as allegations of illegal money from online gambling, to drug money."So the Ferdy Sambo case is quite dramatic like a popular soap opera," explained Ardian.The fifth factor, this case is also very influential on large institutions such as the National Police. Ferdy Sambo's case caused confidence in the police to decrease by 13 percent from 72.1 percent before the case to 59.1 percent."In 2018, even trust in the police was at 87.8 percent. In 2019, after the 2019 presidential election, trust in the police had decreased by 72.1 percent. Now in 2022, Ferdy Sambo's cases have made cases of trust in the police decrease to 59.1 percent," said Ardian Sopa.This survey was conducted on September 11-20, 2022, involving 1,200 respondents through face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire. Survey method using multistage random sampling with a margin of error +/- 2.9 percent.