DPW PPP DIY Opens Doors Not Cadres Registered As Progregants In 2024

DIY - The Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) has invited the general public or non-cadres who are interested in becoming candidates for legislative members (candidates) to register with their party.

Chairman of the DPW PPP DIY Muhammad Yazid said PPP is open to candidates who will register at all PPP DPCs in DIY until the registration period at the KPU ends.

"We hope that starting from young people to get involved, there should be no skeptical thinking about politics. Entanglement should not only be in the ballot room but be active until it becomes a legislative candidate," said Yazid in Yogyakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, October 17.

He hopes that the public will realize that politics is one of the noble means to fight for and oversee policies that are the welfare of the community.

"Politics is important, politics is noble. For example, if there is a political impression, it is dirty, just because it is an individual," he said.

Specifically, he said, the party bearing the Kaaba did not apply certain conditions for people who wanted to register.

It's just that, he said, apart from being Muslim and physically and mentally healthy, candidates will need to have a clear vision and have a mass base to strengthen political legitimacy.

"We prioritize cadres, but if for example there are residents who want to run for PPP, we welcome them. Of course there will be a selection," he said.

He emphasized that PPP DIY applies non-transactional principles both to carry out legislative candidates and when candidates collect support from voters.

"There is no dowry and I set an example for the community. My six terms as a member of the legislature have never given a party dowry and have never given money to voters. If there is a testimonial, choose me because I gave money, I resign," he said.

Therefore, he said, the spirit of avoiding money politics in gaining votes would be instilled for potential PPP candidates. "This means that 'cost politics' (political costs) is important but if I don't want money politics," he said.

Yazid claims that the public's interest in registering for legislative candidates from PPP DIY is quite high as evidenced by the fulfillment of seat quotas for several electoral districts in this area.

"It's quite high. In Kulon Progo there is one electoral district that is full, then in Sleman there are several electoral districts that are full. But we don't close, when it's full, there will be a selection," he said.