So The Acting Governor Of DKI, Heru Asked The Minister Of Home Affairs To Support The 2024 General Election Process

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian asked the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to support the 2024 Simultaneous General Election (Pemilu) process while being the head of the regional government in DKI.

According to Tito, this is necessary considering that Jakarta is the center of politics and the economy. Thus, the conduciveness of the election stages needs to be maintained.

"Jakarta is anerve center, its center, its nerves, the economy-politicals of Indonesia. While also of course the acting officer is preparing to support the 2024 Simultaneous Elections and Pilakda process," Tito said at the Ministry of Home Affairs office, Central Jakarta, Monday, October 17.

In addition, Tito also asked Heru and the Acting other regional heads who had just been appointed to prepare for various global crises, such as food, energy, finance, security and politics crises.

Tito also hopes that Heru will carry out his duties in leading Jakarta as well as possible. Given, Jakarta has a variety of quite complex problems.

Based on his experience in holding several positions within the DKI Provincial Government before serving as Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres), Tito believes Heru can carry out his duties properly at this time.

"I hope to carry out my duties as well as possible, both those that I convey regularly. Jakarta's problems are complex, he is not a new person, surely he understands," explained Tito.

For information, Heru's inauguration as Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta is contained in the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia number 100/P of 2022 concerning the ratification of the dismissal of the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for the term of office 2017-2022 and the appointment of the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Heru is not new to the scope of government in Jakarta. He started his career in 1993 by becoming a Civil Servant (PNS) with the position of Special Staff of the Mayor of North Jakarta.

Heru Budi has also held a number of important positions. For example, in 2014, Jokowi, who at that time was the Governor of DKI Jakarta, appointed him as Mayor of North Jakarta. After that he was appointed Head of BPKAD DKI in 2015.