Chinese Communist Party Amendments To The Party Constitution To Confirm Xi Jinping's Position

JAKARTA - The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) ensures constitutional amendments to the ruling party in the world's most populous country as well as to strengthen Xi Jinping's position as their leader. "The important task of the 20th National Congress is to amend the party constitution," said CPC 20th National Congress spokesman Sun Yeli in Beijing, Saturday, October 15. He considers the amendments to be natural in congress as a form of party innovation. "The party constitution is currently the result of a revision which was ratified at the 12th National Congress," Sun said at a press conference attended by hundreds of local and foreign media. Then starting the 13th National Congress, amendments to the party constitution are common in every congress. With the amendment The CPC Constitution at the 20th National Congress further strengthens Xi Jinping's position in China's core leadership. In addition to being President of China, Xi also serves as Secretary General of the CPC or the main leader of the ruling party as well as Chairman of the China Military Central Commission. With the amendment, the two-year term limitation of the CPC Secretary General's five-year term office will be lifted. Even in the 20th National Congress whose opening was held at the People's Great Hall, Beijing, Sunday morning, Xi will deliver a working report of the CPC's 19th Central Committee which he has led during the second five-year period. "The report emphasizes that the CPC Constitutional Amendment should include the latest achievements in obtaining Marxism in accordance with the Chinese context, new ideas and thinking as well as the new strategy of the Central Committee developed since the 19th National Congress," Sun said, quoted by Antara. The panel of party amendments, he continued, was very careful by capturing the aspirations of all parties. Even the Standing Committee of Political Bureau with the Political Bureau of the CPC also held a special meeting to discuss amendments to the party constitution. CPC's 19th Central Committee working report which will be submitted at the 20th CPC National Congress includes the opinion of 4,700 people from party leaders and administrators as well as various groups.

In addition to administrating the constitution and submitting a working report of the CPC 19th Central Committee, the 20th CPC National Congress which will take place on October 16-22 2022 will select and appoint members of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC, and the Central Commission for Supervision of the 20th CPC Disciplinary. 20th CPC will be covered by around 2,500 Chinese media crews and 750 foreign media, including four from Indonesia.