Minister Of Transportation Apresi At Government, BUMN, And Private Cooperation Bangun Tigaraksa Stations And Flyovers

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi appreciated the cooperation between the Government (central and regional), BUMN, and the private sector in building and developing railway transportation infrastructure, namely the development of Tigaraksa KRL Station, in Tangerang, Banten and Flyover Development in Tenjo, Bogor Regency.

Just so you know, the development and development of the two infrastructures is a collaboration between the central government (Kemenhub through the Directorate General of Railways), the regional government ( Tangerang Regency Government and Bogor Regency Government), PT KAI, and the private sector, namely PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk.

Today we see three things are carried out well. First, ensure that it facilitates the reach of public accessibility to transportation nodes. Second, seeking a creative funding scheme does not use the state budget. And third, making mass transportation the main choice of society," he said in a statement to the media, Saturday, October 15.

Budi also appreciated the initiative taken by PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk to build two facilities that will support the improvement of KRL services for the Jakarta route Rangkasbitung and vice versa.

This participation is what is needed and is an example for other private sectors, in the midst of limited APBN which is focused on meeting the social needs of other people who need it more, "added Budi. The development of Tigaraksa Station which carries the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) which connects PT Agung Podomoro Land's residential area with Tigaraksa KRL Station, is expected to make it easier for local residents to access stations.

"I ordered that intermodal transportation integration must also be prepared by both the government and the private sector," he continued.

He further invited the public to use mass public transportation in their activities because using private vehicles from Jakarta to Bogor takes two hours to travel. "But with the KRL from Palmerah here, it is not more than 40 minutes. The government has provided many alternative mass transportation such as MRT, LRT, BRT, and KRL. By taking mass transportation, the environment will be clean, there will be no traffic jams, and spending can be more efficient," said the Minister of Transportation.

The city of Podomoro Tenjo was built on an area of 650 hectares and integrated directly with Tigaraksa Station, which is equipped with Transjakarta access, and LRT. The location of the 2.2-hectare TOD is also close to the Cileles toll gate, which is only 2 km from the Serpong Balaraja toll road. The travel time to Jakarta is 40 minutes and to Serpong is only 20 minutes.

The development of Tigaraksa Station with the TOD concept will be carried out in three sections, namely: Section A Renovation of Tigaraksa Excisting Station, Section B of the pedestrian bridge access to Tigaraksa Extension Station, and Section C of the Development of Tigaraksa Extension Station. Meanwhile, the construction of flyovers in Tenjo, Bogor Regency, will eliminate level crossings, so that it can improve aspects of safety and smooth train travel.

The development costs of these two projects are without government guarantees or do not use state budget funds but use funds from related business entities. The scheme used in the development of Tigaraksa Station is concessions and the use of state/secondary assets of BMN. So that later it is hoped that this infrastructure development can increase Non-Tax State Revenue or PNBP.