Can Plant Battery Be Replaced? Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Is your smartphone battery running out faster than before when you first opened the box? The batteries including those that can be recharged like those used on smartphones chemically age over time. In other words, they decrease when you charge and remove them. Can the planting battery be replaced?

However, don't give up even though modern phones are no longer equipped with easily removable batteries, you can still replace them with little time and effort.

Most smartphone manufacturers aim to design batteries that retain at least 80 to 85% of their original capacity after two years. However, your phone battery can drop faster than that. Fast charging and prolonged exposure to heat are just a few of the many factors that can quickly reduce its capacity. What's worse is often difficult to estimate how many of your smartphone batteries have been broken.

The sign of a battery capacity reduction is if your phone shows symptoms such as a random reboot or sudden death by charging 30 or even 50 percent. If your smartphone battery doesn't last as long as it used to be, consider using an app like AccuBattery to estimate its current health. The app runs in the background, collects charging and charging data for several days, and estimates your battery health. While recognized imperfect, it can still offer a decent estimate and help signal whether your phone needs a new battery or not.

Shutdown or random reboot is a clear sign that your smartphone needs a new battery.

If your phone is nearly three years in constant use, the new battery will almost certainly offer at least some upgrades to its daily longevity.

This is because lithium-ion batteries are starting to decline in performance after several hundred charging cycles. If you're using an iPhone, there's an easy way to check your current battery capacity.

Open the Settings app, navigate to Battery > Battery Health, and tick the Maximum Capacity section. Apple recommends that you consider changing the battery after its health drops below 80% of its original capacity or about 500 charging cycles.

Change your phone battery at the service center

The easiest way to replace your smartphone battery is to ask service centers to officially swap batteries. This is because most manufacturers use adhesive to secure rear and front panels of your phone, which are usually made of fine glass. Although this adhesive helps increase the water resistance of your phone, this adhesive also often makes repairs more difficult and labor-intensive.

Modern smartphones use a lot of adhesive to hold water, which limits easy access to batteries and other internal components.

Approaching your device manufacturer almost guarantees that you will receive the original battery. While unofficial batteries may work properly at first, it's impossible to know if the battery will last as long as the battery is official or not. Official repair providers also usually replace the adhesive holding the screen or rear cover to ensure that your smartphone maintains its original water resistance.

Google, Motorola, OnePlus, Sony, Nokia, and Apple also have special support pages to help you find the nearest service center in your region. While service options are often different in each country, remember that manufacturers are legally required to offer improvements in most areas.

So after knowing whether the planting battery can be replaced, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!