Korbannya Terpanah Tapi Bentrokan Warga Bombai Dan Elat Selesai Secara Adat, DPRD Maluku Desak Polisi Terusatan Pidana

JAKARTA - Maluku DPRD Commission I chairman Amir Rumra asked the police to continue to investigate the triggers for clashes between residents of Bombai and Elat in Kei Besar District, Southeast Maluku Regency, Maluku.

Amir urged the authorities to process the law on the brain and other perpetrators involved in the conflict of residents which resulted in a peaceful customary law.

"The legal process in a professional manner must be enforced against anyone involved, even though there are peace efforts that lead to a customary settlement," Amir said in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 13.

Clashes between residents of Bombai and Elat occurred on Friday, October 7 in the morning at around 03.00 WIT. As a result of the clash, dozens of residents from both sides were injured by arrows.

A platoon of joint security forces from elements of Brimob and TNI led by Dandim 1503 Southeast Maluku was dispatched to the scene with Southeast Maluku Regent Taher Hanubun to resolve the dispute.

According to Amir, if the legal process in resolving the clashes is not carried out, a similar incident could be repeated in other areas because residents can freely carry sharp weapons in a mass group.

"We also hope that the community will not be provoked because the trigger for the problem is an ordinary criminal problem due to brawls between fellow students," said Amir.

According to him, the Kei Besar Sector Police were rather slow in responding from the beginning until midnight to the brawl case, resulting in mass mobilization carrying sharp weapons.

In addition, reports from the Kei Besar Police to the Southeast Maluku Police were also a bit late so they could not quickly add security forces. Amir said that there should have been prevention efforts from the start and the public had also conveyed it to the police in Kei Besar.

"So, the legal process becomes the commander in chief and the important thing is to provide a deterrent effect to the community," he said.

Amir added that the customary approach was carried out only in the context of the peace process between two ohoi residents or clashed villages, but anyone involved in the matter must be punished.

In addition to brawls between students, added Amir, the circulation of liquor must also be a serious concern for the security forces to carry out enforcement.