Who Can Benefits From Procurement Of AW 101 Helicopters? This Is The List

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor at the KPK revealed a number of parties who benefited from the procurement of the VIP/VVIP helicopter AgustaWestland (AW) 101. This procurement makes the country reach IDR 738.9 billion.

"Doing the act of enriching oneself or another person or a corporation, namely enriching the defendant by Rp. 183,207,870,911.13," said KPK Public Prosecutor Arief Suhermanto at a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Wednesday, October 12.

This was revealed in the reading of the indictment for the defendant Director of PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri Irfan Kurnia who was charged with corruption in the procurement of the AW 101 helicopter for the Presidential VIP/VVIP vehicle which cost the state Rp738.9 billion.

The parties enriched in the case of the procurement of the AW 101 helicopter are:

1. Air Force Chief of Staff and Budget User Authority (KPA) January 2015 - January 2017 Agus Supriatna amounted to Rp17,733,600,000.

2. AgustaWestland's company amounted to US$29.5 million or Rp391,616,035,000.

3. Lejardo Company. Pte.Ltd. amounting to 10,950,826.37 US dollars or Rp. 146,342,494,088.87

"Losses state finances of Rp. 738.9 billion as reported by the State Financial Losses Calculation Results Report on Procurement of Transport Helicopter AW-101 in the 2016 Air Force carried out by experts from the Accounting Forensic Unit of the Corruption Detection and Analysis Directorate at the KPK Number: LHA-AF-05/DNA/08/2022 On August 31, 2022," added the prosecutor as quoted by Antara.

Irfan Kurnia is known to have ordered a VVIP AW-101 Helicopter to AgustaWestland. On October 15, 2015, he paid a final sign (booking fee) of US$1 million or Rp13,318,535,000 on behalf of PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri to AgustaWestland.

Even though at that time there was no VVIP Helicopter procurement in the Indonesian Air Force environment.

The helicopter itself is actually an AW-101 helicopter Number for the 50248 Production Series (MSN) which was completed in 2012 with a VVIP configuration which is an order from the Indian Air Force.

Even in a limited cabinet meeting on December 3, 2015, President Joko Widodo requested that the purchase of the AW 101 helicopter not be carried out due to abnormal economic conditions so that the RI1 VVIP helicopter budget was blocked by Rp. 742.5 billion.

Irfan then prepared 2 companies to be used as auction participants, namely PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri as the winning company and PT Karsa Cipta Gemilang as a companion company.

On July 18, 2016, the Head of the Indonesian Air Force, Fachri Adamy, then appointed PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri as the winner of the procurement of the AW 101 Transport Helicopter worth Rp738.9 billion.

From the payment phase 1, which was valued at Rp436,689,900,000.000 on September 5, 2016, 4 percent, namely Rp17,733 billion, was used as a Command Fund (DAKO/DK) for Agus Supriatna.