Different When At City Hall, At The Heru Palace, Budi Wants To Talk Details Of Flood Handling And DKI

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has entrusted three priority handling messages to the acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono. Starting from flooding, spatial planning, and traffic congestion.
"The President entrusted me with three things in general. The first is flood management, spatial planning, traffic congestion," said Heru Budi Hartono at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 12, as reported by Antara.
Heru Budi Hartono, who is the Head of the Presidential Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, has been appointed by the Final Assessment Team (TPA) as the acting Governor of DKI Jakarta in a meeting at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Friday (7/10).
Heru explained that Jakarta actually has a capable blueprint in overcoming traffic congestion that has been implemented since the era of Governor Wiyogo Atmodarminto's leadership.
Then, the blueprint was also translated with the TransJakarta transportation program during the era of Governor Sutiyoso.
He confirmed that he would continue the construction of the TransJakarta and MRT mass transportation modes.
"Of course, integrated transportation such as MRT must be continued, not only from Lebak Bulus to Kota, later there will be Pulo Gadung to Dukuh Atas," said Heru.
According to Heru, President Jokowi also wants a collaboration between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the central government in developing mass transportation.
"He also said that there are several other transportations that have now become like LRT, they can collaborate with the local government," he said.
As for the flood problem, said Heru, all governors of DKI Jakarta have tried to overcome it. Heru said he would coordinate with relevant ministries and non-ministerial agencies to increase the effectiveness of flood control in Jakarta.
"For example, normalization and there are several points, for example, certain places that cannot be channeled or river normalized, we can make a pump house polder system or moving pump vehicle," said Heru.
When asked about the flood prevention program in the era of Governor Anies Baswedan, namely infiltration wells, Heru said the program was not bad.
"All of the governor's programs (Anies Baswedan) may be quite good, only the volume and placement that we see, and those that facilitate the services that have experience," said Heru.
- https://voi.id/berita/217403/perjalanan-karier-heru-budi-hartono
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- https://voi.id/bernas/217450/tantangan-pejabat-gubernur-dki-jakarta-heru-budi-hartono-mengatasi-banjir-dan-macet-mampukah-dia
- https://voi.id/berita/217052/gantikan-anies-baswedan-heru-budi-diminta-jokowi-selesaikan-masalah-banjir-dan-macet-harus