October 12 Commemorated As World Arthritis Day, Increase Violation Of Sendi Symptoms

JAKARTA - World Arthritis Day is celebrated every October 12 is a reminder of the vigilance of arthritis symptoms that are different from regular joint pain. Arthritis must be distinguished from an arrhralgia or ordinary joint pain without any inflammation.

Symptoms of arthritis are not only joint pain but also accompanied by signs such as swelling redness, heat in the touch, even the heaviest can have a fever. By knowing the symptoms, prevention can be done early on.

This World Arthritis Day is appointed internationally in order to increase knowledge and vigilance, both in general and in the medical community against arthritis disease. There are still many who do not know the difference between arthritis or arthritis with regular joint pain," said a specialist in rheumatology consultant Dr. dr. Sumartini Dewi, SpPD-KR, M. Kes, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, October 12.

Alert can be increased by disseminating knowledge about arthritis to the general public and the medical community by recognizing the signs.

Why should this be distinguished? Because the pain of the joints without inflammation can go away by itself or with simple medicines. But arthritis if it is not treated, let alone those that are chronic, for example, the rheumatoid arthritis, if left unchecked, will cause joint defects," he said.

Symptoms of arthritis that should be wary of, said Dewi, are stiff joints when waking up from sleeping in the morning. The heavier the arthritis, the more stiff it will be in the morning, it will be felt to disrupt daily activities.

"If the symptoms of arthritis cannot be lost by rest, so it must be with special medicines," he said.

Dewi recommends people who have such complaints to immediately see a doctor, especially if it lasts more than two weeks and does not respond to the administration of regular anti-nymeri drugs. Examination is also important so that doctors can determine the type of disease.

The rheumatic disease is more than 200 types. Half of it is almost with the manifestation of arthritis," said Dewi.

Arthritis can become more dangerous when accompanied by systemic symptoms because it not only affects the joints but can also affect other organs such as the heart, lungs, and even the kidneys.

We must immediately (check) if accompanied by systemic symptoms, fever, anemia, or body weaknesses that cannot be explained. We as reumatologists will look for any manifestations other than the joints, to the organs of the body whether they are affected or not, especially the eyes, blood cells, kidneys, lungs, and heart," he said.

Often young patients who have complaints of joint pain and stiff joints feel embarrassed to seek treatment. Dewi said this happened because people still thought that rheumatism only occurred in their parents, even though the disease could also affect young people.

"Immediate treatment because now there are many special drugs for rheumatism, but it must be adjusted to the type because there are more than 200 types of rheumatic diseases that we must determine the type and the medicine," he said.