Indonesia's E-government Implementation Level Is Increasing, The Government Implements One Indonesian Data

JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G. Plate, stated that to increase the accuracy of data-based policymaking on target, the important socio-economic Registration (Regsosek) data collection system is important to develop.

The data collection system for Socio-Economic Registration was developed based on the principles of One Indonesian Data (SDI) which is already very well-known which includes aspects of interoperability. As one of the Steering Committees for One Data Indonesia, I really welcome the implementation of this Regsosek," he said in a press release.

The Minister of Communication and Information also emphasized that the policy of accelerating digital transformation is the key and one of the concrete steps and commitments of the Government in implementing SDI.

"I think this is the result of the acceleration of digital transformation which is coordinated by the President and carried out in accordance with the President's direct direction to improve online services, telecommunications infrastructure development services, and digital talent or digital human resources improvement," he explained.

According to Johnny, Indonesia also received a better rating in the implementation of the electronic government system globally. In the United Nations Electronic Government Survey 2022, Indonesia's position rose to 77th place from 193 countries.

"We have risen 11 places from 88th in 2020 to 77th in 2022," Johnny explained.

According to him, the increase in the implementation of e-government based on the survey results puts Denmark, Ireland, and South Korea at the top three with the highest index in the world.

"This rating was achieved because there was an increase in index performance in three aspects which included online services, telecommunications infrastructure and human resources," he said.