9 Signs You And Your Couple Have A Healthy Love Relationship

YOGYAKARTA Negative aspects are often easier to record than respect positive things. In the context of a love relationship, it turns out that many couples focus more on negative things or mistakes in their relationships. Meanwhile, positive aspects such as being yourself and being good friends with their partners are often neglected.
Focusing on the bad aspects of the couple's experience, according to Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., Ph.D., professor and Former Chair at the Department of Psychology, Monmouth University, makes us more critical of our relationship than it should be. So that many parts are less valued in this romantic partnership relationship.
Reflecting on the description above, Lewandowski explained that the strengths of two people are committed as a couple. What are the signs that you and your partner have a healthy and strong romantic relationship? The following is Lewandowski's presentation as reported by Psychology Today, Monday, October 10.
You and your partner, in a healthy relationship, can be yourself. Because everyone accepts and is accepted as they are, or doesn't try to change each other. That way, you can show your true identity without worrying your partner will judge.
In many ways, your romantic partner is your best friend. Research shows that romantic couples who emphasize friendship tend to be more committed to experiencing more sexual satisfaction. A romantic relationship that values friendship emphasizes emotional support, intimacy, affection, and maintains strong ties.
When in a healthy relationship, you and your partner get through with a sense of comfort, can rely on each other, and become emotionalally intimate. Even if a relationship faces challenges, you learn to trust your partner and make you feel closer.
Do you and your partner have more in common? It could be because you have a lot in common that makes the relationship more satisfying. Of course it also has prominent differences, but it has something in common in facing challenges in relationships.
The picture of a team, considers you and your partner as 'we'. The use of the word 'we' shows a strong sense of cognitive closeness or mutual identity in a relationship. Couples with this sign tend to be more satisfied and based on commitment.
In a healthy relationship, your partner helps you improve and improve who you are. Vice versa, which means that everyone in pairs doesn't force to change but supports each other's choices for self-growing.
Everyone has expertise in their respective fields, including you and your partner. For example, you are more proficient in garden care and a skilled partner mixes processed food. Skills from each pair can complement each other, especially for decision making, strength, and influence in relationships.
Couples can rely on each other on the basis of trust. Including believing that your partner always thinks that the relationship is always healthy and always develops better. Trust also encourages a more stable commitment.
Every relationship has to have a problem. But the amount of the problem turns out to be related to whether or not a relationship is healthy. If you and your partner don't have serious problems, it means there are no signs of danger that must be addressed. Small problems that often grow, including lack of respect, fraud, jealousy, and emotional harassment.
Those are the nine signs of having a healthy love relationship. Do you and your partner have all of them?