Encourage Electric Vehicle Ecosystems, These Are 6 PLN Forces From Hulu To Hilir

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) continues to accelerate the development of an electric vehicle (EV) or electric vehicle ecosystem. This step is to accelerate the transition in the country to achieve the target of net zero emissions (NZE) by 2060.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said the downstream EV at PLN was carried out by providing convenience to the public in the charging process at home and outside the home.

"The easier it is for people to charge, the more interested people will be in using electric vehicles. This electric vehicle is not only environmentally friendly, its operations are also more efficient than oil-fueled vehicles," Darmawan told the media, Monday, October 10.

To realize this, PLN has implemented several moves. First, as an effort to accelerate the development of the EV ecosystem, PLN has built and operated 150 units of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU).

In detail, SPKLU Fast Charging as many as 51 units, SPKLU Medium Charging 78 units and SPKLU Flow Charging 21 units. This number will continue to grow where this year there are 110 additional SPKLUs so that the SPKLU operated by PLN will be 260 units.

PLN also provides support for the G20 event in Bali where 64 units of Ultra Fast Charging 200 kW have been installed and 2 units of SPKLU UFC Mobile accompanied by 200 Home Charging units.

"For PLN, this event is important to open the eyes of the world that Indonesia is transforming towards clean, green and environmentally friendly energy," said Darmawan.

Second, PLN provides convenience for electric vehicle owners with home charging services products. This service is based on IoT with a discount of 30 percent at 22.00 to 05.00. The service has now integrated 461 customers and by the end of the year it is targeted at a minimum of 1,500 customers.

Third, in an effort to encourage the PLN EV ecosystem, they also collaborate with various stakeholders. PLN cooperates with the EV home charging services package service with the electric car manufacturer's Singles Agent (ATPM) in the form of installing home charging accompanied by additional power or new installations.

Fourth, PLN also provides franchise or franchise model packages for SPKLU and Public Electric Vehicle Battery Distribution Stations (SPBKLU) through IO2 products where 5 SPKLU have been successfully operated and 20 SPBKLU commercial trials with Grab in the Jakarta area. Currently there are 48 potential partners who are interested in developing SPKLU.

Fifth, PLN already has supporting features for the EV ecosystem with Electric Vehicle Digital Services (EVDS) technology resulting from PLN innovations that are integrated into PLN Mobile. EVDS facilitates electric vehicle services and improves customer experience, both for prospective and electric vehicle users.

"Want to increase power, new installations, test drives, buy electric vehicles and make it easier for people to charge or swap electric vehicle batteries all to be served only in the PLN Mobile application," he added.

Sixth, PLN also cooperates with Bank BUMN or Himbara for product banking services for EV car installments and SPKLU franchises.