Land Movement Increasingly Damaged Houses, 14 Families In Cianjur Relocation

JAKARTA - The Cianjur Regency Government relocated 14 families in Salagedang Village, Cibeber District, landslide victims and ground movement a few days ago.

Currently, 14 families have been forced to evacuate to anticipate further landslides that could threaten safety.

The Head of Cibeber Sub-district, Epic Rusmana, said that his party had coordinated with the relevant agencies and the Cianjur Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to establish a command post in Warungkuda Village, Selagedang Village, to ease the burden on landslide victims accompanied by landslide movements.

"It was recorded that four houses were buried by landslides and ten other houses were damaged by landslides and ground movements that almost occurred at the same time. Currently, out of 14 families consisting of 27 people were forced to flee to safe places to avoid further natural disasters," he said when contacted on Sunday, October 9.

Epi said that until now the ground movement that hit the village continues to expand with a depth of 1 meter, damaging the outside and inside the residents' houses, especially on the floor and walls, so that his party together with the Cianjur Regency Government and the Selageda Village apparatus will relocate the village.

"It has been agreed to relocate land belonging to Selagedang Village, which is not too far from Warungkuda Village, which will be relocated. We hope that it can be carried out soon because the ground movement continues to expand," he said, quoted by Antara.

The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that the ground movement that occurred in Cibeber District continued to expand and threaten dozens of residents' houses, including the relocation that had been proposed by the village through the sub-district.

"We have instructed the relevant agencies and the Cianjur BPBD, to directly review the location, if there is an agreement, we will immediately relocate 14 families to the village land that has been provided," he said.

Residents who were victims of landslides and landslides in Warungkuda Village, hope to get help from the government to rebuild their damaged houses in the new place or in the same place because four families lost their houses to landslides, dozens more were heavily and moderately damaged.

"We do not dare to fill the house because the movement of the land is expanding and deep. If it is relocated, we are ready as long as it is not far from the old village. For now, we are staying at the house of our relatives who are safe from landslides and ground movements," said a resident of Warungkuda Village, Opik (54).