Ministry Of Industry Supports Strengthening The RI-Japan Farmalkes Industrial Cooperation

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) supports the strengthening of cooperation in the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices (farmalkes) between Indonesia and Japan, considering that these two industries are in seven sectors that have priority development in the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap.

The seven sectors are the food and beverage, automotive, chemical, textile and textile products, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.

"These seven sectors were chosen because they could contribute 70 percent of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of manufacturing, 65 percent of manufacturing exports, and 60 percent of industrial workers," said Acting Director General of Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Textile Industries (IKFT) of the Ministry of Industry Ignatius Warsito when representing the Minister of Industry at a business forum in Osaka, Japan, October 8, 2022, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

The Ministry of Industry, he continued, deepens the industrial structure, increases investment, and carries out the initiative of the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap.

For this reason, his party will always support activities that aim to establish comprehensive cooperation, including the implementation of the Indonesia-Japan Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Business Forum which will take place on 5-7 October 2022 in Osaka, Japan.

The business forum activity is an initiative from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Tokyo, in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Osaka, and supported by the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), IIPC Tokyo and ITC Osaka, as well as several Japanese partners such as METI Kansai, Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Japan (FPMAJ), and JETRO.

"The business forum activity, which was opened by the Indonesian Ambassador of Tokyo, focuses on bringing together pharmaceutical industry businesses and medical devices from Indonesia with business/investors from Japan," said KADIN Chairman of the Indonesian-Japan Bilateral Committee Emmanuel L Wanandi.

Emmanuel Wanandi led the presence of 15 Indonesian business delegates which included nine pharmaceutical companies, including representatives from the Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Companies (GPFI), and the Indonesian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association (ASPAKI).

Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny K Lukito in an online speech invited Japanese pharmaceutical industry players to collaborate more broadly with Indonesia through research and development of technology-based medicines.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Kunta Wibawa in Osaka emphasized the importance of the transformation of the health sector, which includes the transformation of basic services and hospitals, as well as a resilience health system.

"We invite partners from Japan to contribute to the development of pharmaceutical technology in Indonesia," he said.

The business forum resulted in a cooperation commitment signed by GPFI with Japanese partners, namely FPMAJ, in particular to open up opportunities for cooperation in the fields of research and development as well as co-production.

"FPMAJ is honored to be present at today's business forum and hopes for further collaboration with Indonesia in the field of Health," said FPMAJ Director General Toshihiko Miyakuma.