Similar To The DPR, Komnas HAM Print History Having A Women's First Chair
JAKARTA - The election of the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) RI for the 2022-2027 period by the DPR RI received appreciation. The election of Atnike Nova Sigiro, Komnas HAM has succeeded in having the first female chairman in history.
"The DPR under the leadership of Puan Maharani chose a woman as the Chair of Komnas HAM and fulfilled 30 percent of women's representation in the Komnas HAM structure," said Researcher at the Center for Political Research, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Luky Sandra Amalia, Saturday, October 8.
A few days ago, the DPR approved the 9 members of Komnas HAM to be elected for the 2022-2027 period. Apart from Atnike Nova Sigiro, there were 2 other women who were elected as members of Komnas HAM, namely Anis Hidayah and Putu Elvina.
According to Amalia, the increasing number of female commissioners in Komnas HAM cannot be separated from the role of the DPR under the leadership of Puan Maharani who is also the first female Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives in history.
In terms of number, the composition of the candidates for members of Komnas HAM has met the characteristics of the mass at least 30 percent. If only the chairman of the DPR was not a woman, the story could be different," said the female activist from the Sarinah Institute.
"Whether it's a coincidence or not, there are 3 women who were elected as commissioners of Komnas HAM when the chairman of the DPR RI was held by a woman. For the first time, the DPR RI chose a woman as the Chair of Komnas HAM when, for the first time, the chairman of the DPR was also a woman," continued Amalia.
Although it has only fulfilled 30 percent of women in the selection of members of Komnas HAM, the DPR is considered to have at least shown partiality to women and the spirit of gender streaming. According to Amalia, this composition has increased compared to the structure of Komnas HAM in the last five years where there was only one female commissioner.
"This means that with the election of 3 women as commissioners, Komnas HAM is expected to influence the decision-making process in it," he explained.
One of the goals of implementing a 30 percent women's affirmation policy in strategic institutions is so that women can accommodate women's interests through gender-expected policies.
"Of course we all have high hopes for the 3 newly elected female commissioners of the National Human Rights Commission to perform performance and produce gender-spective decisions," said Amalia.
With the increasing number of cases of violence experienced by women, including domestic violence (KDRT), the election of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission for Women is considered to bring fresh air to the institution's alignment with women.
The woman who is currently studying doctorally at the University of Sydney, Australia also agreed with Puan's statement that the election of Atnike Nova Sigiro as Chair of Komnas HAM is expected to make Indonesian women's rights more secure.
Amalia believes that with more and more women becoming stakeholders, this can increase the concern of the Indonesian people regarding the issue of gender equality and women's empowerment.
"After this, the no less important stage is the development of synergies between them," he said.
"Of course we all hope that the Chairperson of the women's DPR, the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, women's activists, and stakeholders who are concerned in this field can build synergies in order to achieve equal rights between women and men in all areas of life," added Amalia.
The DPR is currently known to pay great attention to the issue of gender equality and women's empowerment, which is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
One of the evidences, according to Amalia, is the ratification of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TKPS). After experiencing a tug-of-war for 10 years, the TPKS Law was finally realized.
"This condition shows the consistency of a female council chairman to eliminate all forms of violence against women that are increasingly occurring," he explained.
In addition, Amalia sees that Puan continues to show her commitment in realizing gender equality and always providing support for women's empowerment. Led by Puan, the DPR is also considered to have guaranteed equal rights between women and men according to the mandate contained in the basic constitution (UUD 1945) and various other laws and regulations.
It's just that Amalia regrets that there are still many and frequent other institutions or institutions that place women as second-class citizens. As a result, women have to carry a double burden when they have to work outside the home.
Women are also still labeled/stigmatizing in their daily environment. How to dress and behave women are often used as an excuse when a woman becomes a victim of sexual violence," said Amalia.