5 Facts About Orgasm In Women, It Turns Out To Be Possible When Anniversary
JAKARTA - Often referred to as the peak of pleasure, aka the climax of sex, orgasm is often used as a benchmark for satisfaction. Orgasm or the process of releasing tensions during sexual intercourse is believed to have the benefits of a person's physical and mental health.
Reporting from Health, Thursday, October 6, here are five facts related to orgasm that need to be known.
Orgasm can also increase tolerance for pain in women. In one study published in the Journal of Pain, women's pain threshold during orgasm increased by 75 percent and their pain detection threshold increased by 107 percent. No wonder this tolerance for pain is related to endorphins and oxytocins that are released when you orgasm. The effect will last about 10 to 20 minutes.
On the other hand, men's brains do not release oxytocin when they orgasm. They experienced an increase in joy, but not with pain tolerance.
A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, of the 800 women who graduated from college found that around 43 percent were reported to have multiple orgasms. So what exactly is the multiple orgasms?
"Some women have long and flowing orgasms, where you continue to experience strong rhythmic pelvic contractions for a long time," says Dr. Lauren Streicher, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecologist clinicalism at Northwestern University and author of Sex Rx: Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever.
"And then there's an orgasm where you have a sensation of being too satisfied that stops and then, with more stimulation, starts again." concluded Dr. Lauren.
Not only when having sex, orgasm can also occur while riding a horse, exercising or while giving birth even without sexual stimulation known as a lathgasm. According to some women who experience birthgasm, this experience has become a very good pain reliever when giving birth.
In the past, the researchers thought that women had the shortest time during orgasm, which ranged from 3 to 15 seconds. After that, they found evidence that climax could actually last for 20 seconds to 2 minutes. The CESkoslovenska Psychiatrie Journal published data showing that 40 percent of women estimate their orgasm duration to be 30 to 60 seconds or even longer. While 48 percent of women mostly have longer orgasms.
The conclusion: "Some people have very short orgasms, while others can last longer," says Dr. Streicher.
Having a headache? Try having sex. According to research published by the International Headache Society, about 60 percent of migraines feel more relieved or completely cured after orgasm.
But there are also headaches that are actually caused by orgasm.
"The first is disturbing but harmless because it's just a common headache that people can experience during sexual activity," says Dr. Streicher.
"But then there are people who, at the same time as orgasm will have a great headache," explained Dr. Streicher.
If that's the case, go to the doctor as soon as possible. The doctor said that this type of pain has a high correlation with subarchoid bleeding, a type of stroke caused by the rupture of blood vessels in the brain.