Still Rejuvering With Telemedicine? Follow The Following Tips

JAKARTA - The development of technology in the health sector brings benefits to the people of Indonesia. The COVID-19 pandemic has also changed habits drastically such as telemedicine.

The emergence of telemedicine makes it easy for patients to easily access various health services through their smartphones anywhere and anytime, including consulting on complaints about their illness to trusted doctors for accurate diagnosis.

However, it is not easy to convince yourself of treatment without seeing a doctor in person. This was agreed by dr. Robby Hermawan, SpOG, who practices at RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda in Salatiga, Central Java.

So as not to hesitate, first check the telemedice application user review. Robby, for example, managed to get a perfect review of the more than 10,000 Alodokter users.

The review was obtained from the ability of dr. Robby in calming his patient really helped him to gain the trust of his patients. This is evident from the many parents of praise who came to him from various parts of Indonesia.

In handling cases through telemedicine, dr. Robby Hermawan, SpOG, or commonly called dr. Robby, emphasized the importance for doctors to be able to gain and maintain patient confidence. When the patient complains, the first step he takes is to ensure that the patient is psychologically calm. With a calm psychological, the patient tends to believe more and receive diagnosiss and recommendations from the doctor.

It is important for doctors to be able to provide maximum online consultations and provide an appropriate analysis of the patient. The essential thing is to deal with emergency, provide patients with psychological calm, and answer questions that the patient still doesn't understand so that they feel calm and safe," said dr. Robby Hermawan, SpOG.

Also, prepare medical records before consultation so that it can be the basis for the right diagnosis. As an obstetrician, Dr. Roby always asks for ultrasound results or Pap smears of previous patients are always asked by him to support the results of consultations through the doctor's chat feature.

Read a health article to support the results of telemedecine. This is what dr. Robby did. He gave articles that patients can easily understand to read patients.

From the start, dr. Robby always provides the right combination of the best clinical education and knowledge with a strong passion to provide the best care for his patients. Doctors like dr. Robby is why we can provide the most complete and superior health services in every step of medical travel for the Indonesian people," said Suci Arumsari, Co-Founder & President Director of Alodokter.

dr. Robby always believes that telemedicine can improve the provision of easy, affordable, and quality medical services in all corners of Indonesia. He believes that the government needs to expand its internet network so that Indonesians in remote areas can access health services from anywhere and anytime at a low cost.