Investigate The Case Of Domestic Violence Rizky Billar-Lesti Kejora, The Police Have Checked Three Witnesses

JAKARTA - Police are still investigating the report of the dancer Lesti Kejora against her husband, Rizky Billar on charges of Domestic Violence (KDRT). It is known that as many as 3 witnesses have been examined by the police.

"Yes, it is true that there were three witnesses examined (KDRT case Lesti Kejora)," said Acting Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi through a short period, Wednesday, October 5.

When asked further about the witnesses, Nurma refused to answer. However, he confirmed that he would provide more complete information after the reported party complied with his summons.

"This Thursday (Rizky Billar was called). (The schedule was) at 13.00 WIB," he concluded.

South Jakarta Metro Police Investigators visited Lesti Kejora's residence on Jalan Gaharu III, South Cipete, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Monday, October 3. The police conducted a crime scene (TKP) related to cases of domestic violence (KDRT).

Pantauan di lokasi, polisi melakukan olah TKP selama dua jam, mulai dari pukul 10.30 hingga 12.30 WIB. Selanjutnya polisi langsung meninggalkan rumah Lesti Kejora, usai melakukan olah TKP.

When asked what the results were, South Jakarta Metro Police investigators were reluctant to answer. Contacted separately by the Acting Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi confirmed that her party had carried out a crime scene at the residence of Lesti Kejora. In order to uncover the case.

"The continuation of the process for our sister L today is to conduct a crime scene at the scene," said Nurma, Monday, October 10.

Furthermore, Nurma said that Thursday, October 6, he would summon the reported Rizky Billar to the South Jakarta Metro Police.

"Then on Thursday at 1 o'clock we schedule for those suspected of committing a crime to the South Jakarta Metro Police," he concluded.